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This timeline shows different events and ideas that impacted America. The timeline shows events and ideas from (or relevant to) 1877-2011. -
Chinese Exclusion Acts
The Chinese Exclusion Act was a immigration act that was put in place stop the flow of Chinese immigrants. This was the first exclusion immigration act. Due to the Chinese Exclusion Act, many attempted to come to America illegally.
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The Wounded Knee Massacre
The Wounded Knee Massacre occurred on December 29, 1890 in Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota. The army was called after the Sioux Tribe followed a ritual called the Ghost Dance and it was thought they were aggressive. In a stand off the army demanded they hand over weapons and when someone misheard shots were fired. Three hundred men, women, and children were killed. It was the last fight between Native Americans and the US army.
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The Pullman Strike
The Pullman Strike was a strike against a the Pullman Car Company started by Eugene V. Debs. The strike started after the company fired 5000 employees when the employees refused a pay cut. The American Railway Union was called in by Debs to stop working the cars. A court found this unjust and declared it illegal causing chaos.
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The Spanish-American War
The Spanish-American War was a war between Spain and America that occurred from April 1898 - August 1898. The war started with the Battle of Manila Bay and ended with signing of the Treaty of Paris. The Treaty of Paris gave the US the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico. Cuba also became an independent country.
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