The american revolution

The American Revolution

  • The French and Indian War Begins

    The French and Indian War Begins
    The French, English and Amerindians all controlled some land in North America. When the three groups came to conflict in May if 1754, it was no surprise. George Washington and his troops attacked first and in the end, they (the English) won.
  • Treaty of Paris (1763)

    Treaty of Paris (1763)
    The Treaty of Paris marked the official end of the French and Indian War. It ended up giving the English the land between the Appalation Mountains and the Mississippi River. However, the English Colonists were not alowed to settle on this land.
  • The Royal Proclamation

    The Royal Proclamation
    A document made by the British to stop the colonists from moving west into Indian territory, since conflicts were sparking between the two from this.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    Along with a tax on stamps, the English also made the Colonists pay a tax on sugar, to pay for war expenses. Of course this made the Colonists extremly angry at Britain.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Due to the war Britian was in with France over the North American territory, the English needed more money to pay for war expenses. To get that money the English put taxes on almost all paper products for Colonists. The Colonists were not happy and started to rebel against it.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    A meeting held between a few of the colonies to form a protest against the British for the taxes they were giving the colonies.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    Multipul taxes put in place by English, Charles Townshend on the Colonists. Taxes were put on many things that went in and out of the colonies, like goods purchased by the Colonists. Resulting in rebellious actions.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    A result of the townshend acts put in place by the British. The Colonists rebelled by throwing snowballs at a group of British soldiers stationed in Boston. To stop the Colonists, the British soldiers fired at them, killing five.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    An act of rebellion by the Colonists because of the high tea taxes. One night Colonists disguised themselves as Indians and dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    A congress made up of delegates from twelve of the thirteen colonies to try to convince Great Britain to give them independence.
  • Patrick Henry "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death"

    Patrick Henry "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death"
    "Give me liberty of give me death" is a famous quote from Patrick Henery's speech, in which he convinced the House of Burgesses to let Virginia troops to participate in the war.
  • Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

    Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
    Pual Revere, William Dawes, and Samuel Prescott all rode one night to warn the people of Lexington and Concord that the Redcoats were coming to attack. Thanks to their ride, the minutemen were all prepared for their attack.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    After Paul Revere's midnight the Colonists were ready to attack the Redcoats at Lexington. The first shot rang out and the battle started. After a few exchanges of shots, everyone moved to Concord where the Minutemen forced the Redcoats to eventually retreat.
  • Fort Ticonderoga

    Fort Ticonderoga
    A small surprise attack on the British by the Colonists during dawn. It was led by Ethan Allen and the Green Moutain Boys and along with the fort they gained all the contents inside it. This would help with future battles.
  • Second Continental Congress Meets

    Second Continental Congress Meets
    A meeting was held by the Second Continental Congress to apoint a leader for the militia around Boston. They decided on George Washington and he would lead what was going to be the continental army, which was made of troops from all the colonies.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    After capturing Fort Ticonderoga, the militia made a plan of taking Bunker and Breed's Hill before the English could get there and take it. After taking the hills, the militia were attacked by the English a couple times and eventually had to retreat to Bunker Hill where the militia were forced to give into the English.
  • "Common Sense"

    "Common Sense"
    A pamphlet written by Thomas Paine, that encouraged Colonists to choose Independence from Great Britain.
  • British Evacuate Boston

    British Evacuate Boston
    After being in Boston for a long time, the British were forced to retreat. The Colonists had placed cannons at the British troops but posed too much of a threat. A week later the British were finally able to leave after waitng for good sailing weather.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson who was handed the task. The main point of the document was if the government upheld rights, everything would be okay, but if they didn't, the people could make a new government. It was sent to king George and America gained their independence.
  • Washington Captures Trenton

    Washington Captures Trenton
    The time on enlistments was running out so Washington made the decision to attack the Hessians. Washington knew they wouldn't be expecting them right after their Christams celebrations and decided to attack then. This worked and the Colonists had defeated the Hessians.
  • "The Crisis"

    "The Crisis"
    This is anotherone of Thomas Paine's writings that told people things were not going well. However, the soldiers still needed suppot if we wanted to win this battle. This gave many people more joy and brought up the moral everywhere.
  • British Defeated at Saratoga

    British Defeated at Saratoga
    British General Burgoyne and his men had just captured Fort Ticonderoga when they were attacked by the Colonists, greatly weakened, and defeated. This was the turning point of the Revolution and gave the Colonists more hope.
  • Winter at Valley Forge, PA

    Winter at Valley Forge, PA
    The Continental Army spent the winter of 1777-1778 at Valley Forge, where they were trained by Baron Von Steuben in a classic European style of warfare.
  • John Paul Jones Defeats Serapis

    John Paul Jones Defeats Serapis
    John Paul Jones and his crew was sent out on the seas to raid British war ships. One of the most famouse ships he raided was a heavily armed HMS Serapis. After exchanging shots and a big fire, Jones defeated the Serapis.
  • Benedict Arnold's Plans are Discovered

    Benedict Arnold's Plans are Discovered
    Benedict Arnold was originally a general on the American side but was planning to surrender the fort he controlled in West Point, NY to the British. Once these plans were discoved he was sent back to the British and was a traitor to the Colonists.
  • Cornwallis Surrenders

    Cornwallis Surrenders
    After many southerners joined the Colonists side, Lord Cornwallis, leader of English troops in the south, was forced back onto the coast of Virginia. There the French navy defeated Cornwallis and cut off his sea escape while the Marquis de Lafayette cut off his land escape, forcing Conrwallis to surrender.