Period: 1492 to
US History: VHS Summer: Tyler Weiss
This timeline will follow American History from 1492-1877. The timeline will follow many aspects of the development of the country with ideas and actual events. -
Jamestown was Settled
The first colony was settled in the New World, which was funded by the Virginia Company of London, a joint stock company from England. The original settlers were so focused on finding gold that they did not properly farm and only 38 out of 144 survived. Following the rough start the colony adapted a "work or starve" ethic for food. The colonist experienced a starving time with a large amount of death and financial mistakes by investors, not a success.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/2c.asp -
First Indentured Servant Arrival
The first African American arrived in the New World. They were not initially called slaves but they were not free, they were something known as indentured servants. Indentured Servants were set up to work for a certain amount of time then become free people and allowed to live in the New World however they liked. It rarely worked out that a servant would finish paying off their debit and become free though.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/6c.asp -
Albany Plan of Union
The plan was created by Benjamin Franklin and was devised in order to better unify the colonies. The plan used the slogan "Join or Die" as a way to bring together the colonies from the threat of the French and Indians. This idea and plan was not successful.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/9.asp -
Sons of Liberty
A group that were a part of the secret club that was founded in response to the Stamp Act. They resorted to illegal means to intimidate and threaten people who were opposed the political change, and were even caught vandalizing British officials houses. The organization also worked to pass information up and down the sea board to help keep the different colonies connected and plan events together. The members were often delegates from the various congresses.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/10b.asp -
Melting Pot
This term was created to describe what it was seen that America was becoming. The first "melting pot" state was Pennsylvania. The term has stuck with America during history as the country has continued to allow more people to settle here and brought about more cultures. America became a known melting pot for the world for it's acceptance of many cultures.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/7f.asp -
Declaration of Independence
This document was signed and gave America it's freedom. It was signed by many high up political delegates. This was now a widely celebrated holiday throughout the country. The lasting impacts of this document are the beginning of many American's pride in their country and is a holiday that is still celebrated today. This event was the beginning of the United States as a country and helped to grow the sense of nationalism.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/13a.asp -
Federalist Party
Federalists were a group of politicians that were in supporting of ratifying the Constitution. The supporters of this party were in support of a stronger central government to help with debts following the American Revolution. This organization was founded by Alexander Hamilton. This group was known for being well organized, well funded and strong in printed words to gain more support.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/16a.asp -
Antifederalist Party
Political organization opposed to the ratification of the Constitution along with being against a strong federal government. This was supported by Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and others. They believed that the biggest threat to the government was corruption by their own, but were fighting a bigger battle than the federalists who had more support. The members of this organization ranged from all social classes.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/16b.asp -
Louisiana Purchase
The land was offered by Napoleon, who was fighting a war of his own and knew he was unable to stop the expansion into the land but instead needed the money for the land. The United States purchased it for 15 million after the purchase passed in the Senate 26 to 6. The decision was not universally loved by some states who felt that their power was greatly reduced by the purchase but would in turn accept the new states into the country.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/20c.asp -
Lewis & Clark Expeditions
A group of 50 Americans, who were led by Meriwether Lewis, who worked for Jefferson at the time, and William Clark, an army officer. The goal was to find a route across the country along with keep a detailed log of the natural resources and animals that were seen on the trip. The goal was to also increase relations with the native people of the area after they had been greatly damaged by the British dominance. The expeditions covered a large area of land.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/21b.asp -
Era of Good Feelings
This was a time period that gained the title during Monroe's two term presidency from 1817-1825. This time period was characterized by the downfall of the federalist party which then essentially made the national government a one party system. The time period lacked many leadership conflicts that were typical in government giving the time period a sense of "good feeling". It ended when conflict emerged and Monroe's presidency ended.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/23a.asp -
Treaty of 1818
A treaty that was agreed upon by both the United States and the United Kingdom that allowed for joint settlement of the land that is now known as Oregon. It used the 49th parallel to divide up the land that allowed both countries access to the resources that the land had include the fisheries. Overall this was a successful move for the United States as they continued to expanded their hold on land.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/29b.asp -
New England Anti-Slavery Society
Founded by William Lloyd Garrison in 1831 with the help of delegates from around the country. The society was able to make progress using it's power with the paper of the Liberator, to reach thousands worldwide and make progress toward the anti-slavery movement. This organization saw the problem to be a world wide issue and traveled abroad to even work toward fixing the problem.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/28a.asp -
South Carolina Ordinance of Nullifcation
This was a move by the State of South Carolina that determined that the Tariff's of 1828 and 1832 were unconstitutional. Since they were deemed unconstitutional they were nullified and started the movement that became known as the Nullification Crisis.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/24c.asp -
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
Officially titled the Treaty of Peace, Friendship, Limits, and Settlement between the United States of America and the Mexican Republic, this treaty led to the end of the Mexican-American war. This treaty made Mexico give up land that is in present day California, Nevada, Arizona and more while America was required to pay money to settle what they had owed Mexico. This continued the idea of expanding America and the manifest destiny.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/29d.asp -
Fugitive Slave Law
The law was update to reflect the times better and in 1850 the law was considered to be weakened but still posed a problem for slaves trying to escape. The law required that any slave that was trying to escape be returned to it's owner and that officials and citizens of all states had to cooperate. The law changed how slaves were able to escape and would eventually go on to be nullified.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/28.asp -
Election of 1860
This was in important election due to the country being in such turmoil and divided over who would be a successful leader for the country. The north felt that their person could defeat slavery while the south had the opposite belief. There was four candidates in the field and Abraham Lincoln pulled out the victory with a 40% popular vote due to the divide that many candidates created. Lincoln was victorious and the south began seceding from the union.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/32d.asp -
South Carolina Seccession
When Abraham Lincoln became president a convention met to write the ordinance for the secession of the state which then adopted on December 20th, 1860. This was the first slave state to secede from the Union. Five days later the Federal government moved troops to Fort Sumter which would then become the first despite over soil because South Carolina believed it was their land while the Union believed it was theirs.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/33a.asp -
Presidential Reconstruction
This was an idea during 1865-1867. This was a time period of lenient policies and acts toward people and organizations from the south following the Civil War. This left the treatments of people of color up to the governors of each state instead of making that a national policy. This angered many northerns who felt that it went against what the people had fought for in the war. It was used to help transition and stop the south from rebelling again.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/35.asp -
First Impeachment of a President
In Spring of 1868, the first United States President was impeached. Andrew Johnson had 11 offenses brought against him during the trial. It was believed that congress was looking for any reason to impeach him and his unwillingness to go along with the ideas presented to him during the radical reconstruction. 35 senators voted to convict. He was the first president to be impeached.