New age of industry
In the new age of industry there is a focus on locomotives, oil, and steel -
Period: to
This timeline will show the history of the United States. This is my summer work -
http://www.ushistory.org/us/37.asp labor unions had been formed to give workers more safety rights in the workplace -
Zimmermann telegram
British intelligence intercepted the notorious ZIMMERMANN TELEGRAM. The German foreign minister sent a message courting support from Mexico in the event the United States should enter the war. -
Paris peace conference
Most of the decisions made at the PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE were made by the BIG FOUR, consisting of President Wilson, DAVID LLOYD GEORGE of Great Britain, GEORGES CLEMENCEAU of France, and VITTORIO ORLANDO of Italy -
The stock market crash of 1929
The stock market crash was a single event to start a chain of events to start the Great Depression -
Bank Holiday
FDR closes all banks, re opens all the good banks and keeps the banks that need help closed -
Pearl Harbor
almost 3,000 Americans were killed. Six battleships were destroyed or rendered unseaworthy, and most of the ground planes were ravaged as well. -
The Yalta conference
the USSR pledged to enter the war against Japan no later than three months after the conclusion of the European war. In return, the United States awarded the Soviets territorial concessions from Japan and special rights in Chinese Manchuria. -
The bombing of Hiroshima
a plane called the ENOLA GAY dropped an atomic bomb on the city of HIROSHIMA. Instantly, 70,000 Japanese citizens were vaporized. In the months and years that followed, an additional 100,000 perished from burns and radiation sickness. -
Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat
Rosa parks was going home from work and sat in the white section. A white man told her to move and she refused. The bus driver and three other riders told her to move she refused. The bus driver has her arrested -
Election of 1960
John F Kennedy defeats Richard Nixon to become the youngest president to be in office. Kennedy earned 49.7% of the popular vote to Nixon's 49.5%. Kennedy polled only about 100,000 more votes than Nixon out of over 68 million votes cast. -
Roe V. Wade
Roe V. Wade is a court decision on abortion which made it legal people who supported roe v wade were considered pro choice and the people who did were considered pro life. Most members of the Catholic Church such as the pope were considered pro life -
Ronald’s Reagan becomes president
Ronald Reagan swept into office in 1980, capturing nearly 10 times as many electoral votes as his incumbent opponent Jimmy Carter. The Republican Party was also able to ride Reagan's coattails to capture their first majority in the Senate since 1954. -
The internet was invented
The internet was developed during the 1970s by the Department of Defense. In the case of an attack, military advisers suggested the advantage of being able to operate one computer from another terminal