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US History: VHS Summer: Patricia Raposeiro

  • Sand Creek Massacre

    Sand Creek Massacre
    This massacre is condsidered as the most gruesome battles in U.S history.
  • Discovering Gold

    Discovering Gold
    General George Armstrong Custer discovered gold in the Black Hills of South Dakota
  • Period: to

    US History: VHS Summer: Patricia Raposeiro

    This timeline will represent important events that happened in the U.S. Dating from 1877 to present day 2011
  • Immigration

    Many people came to the U.S to get jobs to support their family because their home country didnt provide them enough money.
  • Labor

    When the factories started to become a big thing, many people were working hard. Children would work and not go to school, and the adults would work until their body was tired. In the end, they still got barely enough money to survive .
  • Lusitania

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    After the U.S entered the war, they sent out a ship called the Lusitania. Later, a German ship sank the Lusitania killing 1,198 people.
  • The U.S declares war on Germany

    The U.S declares war on Germany
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    After Germany sinks a lot of U.S ships, the U.S declares Germany as a villan. Later Woodrow Wilson declared war.
  • Prohibition

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    During this time, alcohol was illegal. Everyone was dumping out exsiting alcohol. Some people would secretly make their own so that they would still drink it.
  • Automobiles

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    Henry Ford made new cars for a much lower price than the ones that were already made. These are now more affordable for everyday people.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
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    Japan bombed Pearl Harbor of the U.S and nearly 3,000 Americans were killed.
  • The Cold War

    The Cold War
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    When World War ll ended, the Cold War was only beginning. The U.S and the U.S.S.R were fighting Germany and Japan during the Cold War
  • The Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin Airlift
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    The Soviet Union took out the Allied powers out of Berlin. That was where they had their World War ll stuff.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
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    Rosa Parks was a lady who fought for her rights on a bus. Black people were suppose to sit in the back of the bus and whites are to sit in the front. Rosa didnt sit in the back because she had a long tiring day. She got arrested because of this,
  • Feminism in the 1960´s

    Feminism in the 1960´s
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    Feminism in the 1960´s are just like feminism today. Women are fighting for equal rights as men.
  • The Internet

    The Internet
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    The Internet was orginally used by scienentists and was controlled by the governtment. It started in 1970 and ended in 1984.
  • Reaganomics

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    Ronald Reagan announced a recipe to fix the nation's economic mess. He claimed an undue tax burden, excessive government regulation, and massive social spending programs hampered growth.
  • The Cold War ending

    The Cold War ending
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    The cold war ended in 1990. Bringing good things to America
  • The end of the 1900´s

    The end of the 1900´s
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    America in the 1900´s has been through a lot. They were in both the World Wars, the Great Depression, other important events that will remain history