
US History: VHS Summer: Maria Beckert

  • Period: Jan 1, 1492 to

    US History: VHS Summer: Maria Beckert

    This timeline covers US History. It begins in 1492 and ends in 1877.
  • Jamestown Colony Founded

    Jamestown Colony Founded
    The first Joint-stock company in the New World called Virginia Company of London, settled in Jamestown. They spent most of their time looking for gold instead of farming. Most of the settlers died the first winter.
  • Slave Codes

    Slave Codes
    The "Slave Codes" were developed to reduce the chances of rebellion. Slaves could not own property nor could they assemble without a white person present. The codes became more strict as the slave population grew.
  • The French and Indian War (Seven Years War)

    The French and Indian War (Seven Years War)
    The fourth war between France and England began in Ohio in 1754. They fought over control of the fur trade and the Mississippi River. The death blow to the French was when Commander James Wolfe and his men scaled the cliffs of Quebec in 1759 to surprise the French.
  • Diversity in the 1770s

    Diversity in the 1770s
    The "English" was less than 2/3 of the population. African-Americans were 1/5 of the population. Scots-Irish, German were the most numerous non-English speaking in the population. Welsh, French, Irish, Swedish and Native Americans were all present.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    Disguised townspeople raided three ships and threw the tea into the water. Not a single British East India Company chest of tea for the colonies reached its destination.
  • The Declaration of Independence and Its Legacy

    The Declaration of Independence and Its Legacy
    It listed the reasons for declaring independence. It was an appeal to enemies of England for support. Expresses the ideals of the Revolution. It's ideals were all mean are created equal and all men have unalienable rights.
  • The Economic Crisis of the 1780s

    The Economic Crisis of the 1780s
    War had disrupted the economy. Many American ships were destroyed during the war and farmers suffered at the hands of both armies. There was a high level of debt which caused inflation. Political conservatives and lenders were angry.
  • The Southern Argument for Slavery

    The Southern Argument for Slavery
    Some of the reasons the South gave for slavery were: economics, widespread unemployment, and cotton, tobacco, and rice industries would collapse. They argued that the saves were better cared for than the poor in Europe and the Northern states.
  • Washington's Farewell Address

    Washington's Farewell Address
    His address embodied the core beliefs that Washington wanted to lead the nation. It stressed that the National Union was vital for the happiness of the citizens and it stressed that national unity brought advantages to all areas.
  • The Election of 1800

    The Election of 1800
    John Adams vs Thomas Jefferson. Federalists called Jefferson an un-Christian deist whole sympathy for the French Revolution would bring a similar fate. The Democratic Republicans said the Federalists were making the federal government too powerful. It was the first peaceful transition of power between opposing parties in the US.
  • The Lewis and Clark Exploration

    The Lewis and Clark Exploration
    Americans went with Merriweather Lewis and William Clark to explore the west. Their goals were to find a route across the continent, get detailed observations of the natural resources, learn the geography of the west, and establish good relations with the Native Americans. Met Sacajawea who was married to a Frenchmen and her language skills and knowledge of the west helped them immensely.
  • The Lone Star Republic

    The Lone Star Republic
    Mexico encouraged Americans to settle on its land. They wanted a prosperous province. Americans were expected to become Mexican and Catholic. The Texan area did not meet the requirements therefore tensions resulted between Mexicans and the Texans.
  • The 1824 Election and the "Corrupt Bargain"

    The 1824 Election and the "Corrupt Bargain"
    In the 1824 presidential not one Federalist ran. 5 democratic-republicans ran. Jackson won 43% of the votes. Since no one had majority, the House of Representatives had to choose between the top two candidates.
  • The Age of Jackson

    The Age of Jackson
    Jackson had a commanding presence and was strong willed. He did not Indians one bit and did his best to fight them off. He liked the "Spoils System" in awarding government offices and felt there were too many career politicians.
  • Gold in California

    Gold in California
    Found by James Marshal in 1848. In 1849, more than 80,000 "forty-niners" went to California.
  • The Underground Rail

    The Underground Rail
    Railroad activists helped slaves gain their freedom. They operated at night while slaves moved from station to station. Whites would pretend to be their masters.
  • The Battle of Antietam

    The Battle of Antietam
    Confederates invaded Kentucky from Tennessee. Lee wanted to attack the union in union land, Harrisburg, PA. Fighting was fierce and many died. It was the bloodiest day America has ever suffered.
  • Birth of Supremacy Groups

    Birth of Supremacy Groups
    Ku Klux Klan, Knights of the White Camelia and White Brotherhood came about. They aimed at controlling blacks burning crosses, and murdering blacks, massacres, lynching, rape, and pillaging.
  • The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

    The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
    2 days after Lee's surrender, Lincoln outlined his plans for peace and reconstruction. Booth was a white supremacist and a believer in slavery. He heard Lincoln's speech and decided to kill him.
  • Radical Reconstruction

    Radical Reconstruction
    The Radical Republicans believed that blacks were entitled to the same political rights and opportunities as whites. They also believed that confederate leaders should be punished and laws are need to protect the blacks.