US History: VHS Summer: Lydia Beck

  • Period: to

    US History: VHS Summer: Lydia Beck

    This timeline contains events from US History. It will range from 1877-2011
  • The Dawes Act

    The Dawes Act
    This act came into place in order to "help" the native Americans, the act implied that as long as the native Americans were to give up their culture and religion than the US would help them out. Also implying that the Natives would become farmers and in return their children could go to school. Obviously not appreciated by the Native Americans.
  • Sherman antitrust act

    Sherman antitrust act
    This was passed by congress as the first law to stop monopolistic businesses. It was meant to promote a fairer business industry and provide a more consumer-friendly economy
  • Wounded Knee

    Wounded Knee
    The wounded Knee massacre was because happened when the US attacked Native Americans because they believed that the native Americans were trying to create conflict and fight back. The Native Americans were doing nothing besides performing a religious dance referred to as the ghost dance in hopes of getting their land back and keeping the land.
  • Plessy v Ferguson

    Plessy v Ferguson
    Congress ruled that segregation was legal as long as it was separate but equal, in reality not changing much as African Americans still received much less than white Americans.
  • The Spanish American war

    The Spanish American war
    President McKinley asked congress to declare war on Spain after the USS Maine is sunk off the coast of Havana. Spain was fighting Cuba and shortly after the USS Maine was sunk Spain declared war on the US.
  • The US buys the Panama Canal

    The US buys the Panama Canal
    The US paid 10 million plus an annual fee of $25,000 to buy the Panama Canal, this made trade between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans much easier.
  • WW1 begins

    WW1 begins
    WW 1 begins, and allied forces take sides to fight.
  • The US joins the war

    The US joins the war
    On April 6th, 1917, the US joined the first world war, the biggest reason, besides the ships they were losing and the US trade with other countries being disturbed, that the US joined was because of the Zimmerman Note being intercepted, this note was between Mexico and Germany. Germany was planning on having Mexico become part of the Axis power and in return they would help obtain Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona from the US for Mexico.
  • WW1 ends, Treaty of versailles

    WW1 ends, Treaty of versailles
    The treaty of Versailles is signed between Germany and the allied powers, except the US because they had their own treaty with Germany. The treaty was signed, and it basically stated that Germany was to take all of the blame, even though they, in the first place were not the reason for the start of the war.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    On October 29th, 1929, the stock market crashed, and while this was not the cause to the great depression it was a major symptom.
  • WWII begins

    WWII begins
    In 1939 when Hitler was a rising power in Europe, he convinced many people to fight back for what was lost in WW1. Germany considered themselves unfairly treated after the treaty of Versailles and they lost land, income, and economic power, and were in debt.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan attacks the US Naval base, and 2887 lives were lost in the attack. Japan had originally planned to destroy more than that, but it fell through.
  • D-Day

    Eisenhower led the largest land, air, and sea invasion that had been executed, and it was successful. The D-Day fight led to the liberation of France and in the future would lead to the liberation of Europe.
  • End of WWII

    End of WWII
    After Hitler's death in 1945, Germany surrendered in Italy, and soon after the Axis and Allied powers surrendered unconditionally, the war stopped.
  • Hiroshima bombing

    Hiroshima bombing
    Before the US bombed Hiroshima, they sent planes with flyers asking for surrender and warning the people. Japan did not surrender and the next day the Little Boy atomic bomb was dropped.
  • Nagasaki bombing

    Nagasaki bombing
    After the Hiroshima bombing, Japan was still not willing to surrender so three days later the Fat Boy atomic bomb was dropped in Nagasaki, in total both bombs killed hundreds of thousands of people and the majority were all innocent civilians.
  • United Nations is created

    United Nations is created
    The creation of the United Nations starts, and it goals to create a more peaceful world is put in motion.
  • Brown v Board of Education

    Brown v Board of Education
    The supreme court finally ruled that "separate but equal has no place in education" and schools where no longer legally allowed to segregate
  • Ronald Reagan Presidency begins

    Ronald Reagan Presidency begins
    Ronald Reagan is sworn into office and begins his role as president.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day becomes a national holiday

    Martin Luther King Jr. Day becomes a national holiday
    Ronal Reagan signs a bill declaring that MLK day will be recognized as a federal holiday.