Period: to
This is a timeline consisting of events happening between 1877 and 2011. The events that are shown are some that stand out for me in some way. -
Womens sufffrage
<a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_suffrage' > Womens suffrage is the right of women to vote and to stand for office. Limited voting rights were gained by women in Sweden, Finland and some western U.S. states in the late 19th century. International organizations were formed to coordinate efforts, especially the International Woman Suffrage Alliance. -
prohibition> The out law of alcohol in the U.S. That led to the strart of the american mafia. -
Great Depression
great deppresion The biggest econimal drop in U.S history due to the stovk market crashing. -
The holocaust
the holocaust the biggest mass murger/genocide in the world happened here at the hanhds of adolf hitler. -
Normandy Landings
Normandy Landings The biggest beach landing in american history. Also the most crusial victory in world war 2. -
Korean war
Korean war project The korean war was not a huge war but was one that helped our relatioship with south korea. -
Sit-In (civil rights movement)
sit in Thursday between 75 and 100 followers showed up at the restaurant at Forty-first Street and Lexington Avenue, where most of the strike activity has been concentrated, and groups went into the place, purchased five-cent cups of coffee, and conducted what might be described as a kind of customers' nickel sit down strike. Other patrons were unable to find seats."[5] -
Civil rights movement
[Civil rights movement](http:///en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_rights_movement) A series of Peaceful demonstrations led by Dr. king. -
Cuban missle crisis
cuban missle crisis. The cuban missle crisi was one of the scariest few days for american civilans as well as the US goverment. -
Tiananmen Square protests
the protests of 1989 This is an image of the tank man. A student who bravely blocked a fleet of tanks for 10 minutes. -
Same sex marriage
same sec marriage same sex marriage The first laws in modern times enabling same-sex marriage were enacted during the first decade of the 21st century. As of July 2013, thirteen countries (Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, Sweden)