The Gilded Age
The Gilded Age came after the Civil War as the United States became an economic powerhouse from 1877-1900. The captains of industry were ruthless and their was very few laws regulating them. People went from working for themselves to working for employers. The workers were treated terrible and so the labor unions were formed and workers began to strike like the Great Railroad strike. Link text -
Period: to
This timeline will provide you the highlights of American history from 1877-2011. It will include both events and concepts that truly made a profound influence on our history. -
an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. -
Hawaiian Annexation
Hawaii was annexed to the U.S. because the U.S was looking for more land outside of there borders. Sugar farmers were being undersold and the islands were hit with a depression. They ultimately overthrew the Queen of Hawaii and asked the US for aid. Upon this Americans acquired a true foothold in Hawaii as a result of the sugar trade. Hawaii finally became a state in 1959.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/44b.asp -
The Wounded Knee Massacre
Wovoka was a holy man and his followers knew something bad was gonna happen in the spring of 1891. tA Souix tradition that they practiced was a dance called the ghost dance.The people of South Dakota were afraid of this dance and demanded the Souix Indians be sent away. They were sent to Wounded Knee and although they planned to surrender because of a single shot, Custer's regimen massacred them all.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/40e.asp -
World War 1
Thighs was the first war Americans fought in that they weren't directly involved. World War I started because the Archduke of Austria-Hungry was killed in cold blood. This war was the most hectic in human history. The United States first thought was to bring peace but this didn’t work. Thye continued to trade with all sides until finally the U.S chose to join the allied power and fight with them. The war finally ended in 191 9 with the Treaty of Versailles. http://www.ushistory.org/us/45.asp -
Treaty of Verailles
The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty ending World War 1. It was done by the Allied powers and Germany didn't have much say and signed not in agreement. It redesigned Germany's land and also gave away Germany's colonies to different Allie countries. The League of Nations development was also part of the Treaty of Versailles. France and Britain were the leading enforcers of the Treaty of Versailles
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The Great Depression
The Great Depression began due to over expansion by US companies. Although the imagines we see are more noteably the crash of the stock market. The country went into a super deep depression and everyone for the most part was super poor except the top 1% of Americans who owned 1/3 of our assets. During the Great Depression, banks weren't regulated, farmers earned even lower profits, and even Europe bought less products from the US.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/48.asp -
The New Deal
When America hit rock bottom President Hoover did nothing so Americans were hoping for a major change. Franklin D. Roosevelt came in to office and he produced the New Deal. He began programs to regulate banks, help the unemployed and the farmers. and he began many different initiatives to help everyone. FDR also developed Social Security to aid the elderly as part of the New Deal. The people were looking for in big change. but it also brought big debt.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/49.asp -
World War 2
For the second time in the 1900s the U.S was in a major world conflict. Adolf Hitler believed that Jews and anyone who wasn't blonde hair blue eyed people should be eliminated. He placed these people in concentration camps. They were experimented on and most of them were killed. Japan chose to take advantage of our participation in the this war and we eventually had to respond with nuclear bombs. linktext -
Pearl Harbor
The bombing of Pearl harbor by Japan happened Sunday, December 7th, 1941 at 11 in the morning. Yamamoto chose to bombed one of the biggest Military Bases in the U.S. which also happened to be the closest to him. Their planes stayed low to the ground so the satellites couldn’t read them. Luckily our Navy ships were out at sea and so they were still able to communicate with the continental U.S.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/50.asp -
Nuclear Bombing of Hiroshima and Najasaki
When Truman learned about the success of the Manhattan Project, he realized he had the power over the Japanese in his hands. August 6th they dropped the first nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and on August 9th the second on Nagasaki. Instantly, 70,000 Japanese citizens were vaporized. In the months and years that followed, an additional 100,000 perished from burns and radiation sickness. The bombs did bring an end to WWII. link -
The Korean War
The Korean War started in 1950. Most people don’t know why it started and is often called the Forgotten War. The reason it is forgotten is because it was right after World War II which was much larger and more fatal war. The Korean War was again about the fight against communism. President Truman was trying to reunite North and South Korea, but unfortunately the war ended in 1953 in a stalemate with 37,000 U.S dead.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/52e.asp -
Civil Rights
Civil Rights were African Americans wanting the same rights as whites. Things were segregated by race and they were beneath whites. Martin Luther King JR. and Rosa Parks are two of the most famous people during the Civil Rights Movement. Four African American students were sent into an all white school, but in order for that to happen they had to bring in the military to watch out for them. Segregation finally did end although it was a very slow process and African Americans got their rights.. -
Feminism is the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. Women have protested for abortions, to work the same jobs as men and to not be treated as an object. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Rights Amendment were what finally came to be after many protests and legal battles finally in the early 1970's. [http://www.ushistory.org/us/57a.asp] -
The Vietnam War
The Vietnam War was the second longest war in U.S history. The US joined South Vietnam to prevent the communist government of North Vietnam from taking over.The U.S during the war had horrible lack of support which a factor of why the U.S failed. There were protests and flag burnings and the war ended with 60,000 casualties. link text -
Roe vs Wade
Roe vs Wade is a movement for feminism about abortion. It was illegal to have an abortion but in Texas "Jane Doe' challenged the Texas Court. Ultimately, this went to the Supreme Court and finally they voted to make abortions legal. www.ushistory.org/us/57d.asp -
The Reagan Years
In the 1980s the U.S economy and government hit rock bottom, people who wanted a change voted for Ronald Reagan for president. Reagan's election brought dramatic changes to the U.S government with the end of the Cold War. Reagonomics was introduced to help improve the government. Part of this was an increase in military defense as he felt we were vulnerable to attack still. Reagan also met with Gorbachev to further improve our relationship with the USSR. -
Americanization is the influence America's culture on other countries. Critics often give Americanization a negative view due to the loss of local customs and traditions. America is a super power with widespread economic power. We are a culturally diverse nation that is the leader in many fields that other countries want/need. -
Operation Desert Storm
The U.S. was already helping Saudi Arabia in Operation Desert Shield from Iraq, but since Suddam Hussein did not respond as requested President Bush ordered the bombing of Iraq begin. Suddam respond with his own bombing in Saudi Arabia. In February the ground attack began. The United Nations proved their worth and power. Only 148 US soldiers lost their lives and Operation Desert Storm was a huge success. -
Globalization refers to the increasing unification of the world's economic structure with less tariffs, export fees, and such in order to increase international trade. The goal for globalization is the increases on wealth, goods and services through international dividing of work, competition, and resources. The U.S. encouraged globalization with such agreements like NAFTA. You must go thru the entire process before you can be globalized.