US History: VHS Summer Aleida

  • The Golden Spike

    The Golden Spike
    In the 1830’s, Americans dreamed of having a railroad that would merge the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. The government found this beneficial socially and economically; therefore, they awarded a contract to two companies, Union Pacific and Central Pacific, to construct a transcontinental railroad. One of the representatives of the Central Pacific railroad used a golden spike to inaugurate the railroad and celebrations were made across the nation.
  • The Sand Creek Massacre

    The Sand Creek Massacre
    Sand Creek populated with 800 Cheyenne Indians. They thought that they would not be disturbed considering their chief, Black Kettle, had spoken with the US Army in order to have protection and the land had been promised to the Cheyennes by a treaty signed in 1851. Nevertheless, a group called the Colorado Volunteers surrounded the village.The regiment spread across the village and killed, women and children especially, brutally. About 400 were killed.
  • Period: to

    US History: VHS Summer Aleida Fernandez

    This timeline depicts specific events and ideals from the from 1877 until 2011. They will be discussed briefly and events/ideals will be organized by dates on the timeline.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed by Congress 1882. Many nativists were against other ethnicities. Therefore, nativists urged the government to prohibit this race from immigration into the US and if any of them wanted to immigrate to the US then they would come with certain conditions
  • Hawaii Annexation

    Hawaii Annexation
    Planters in Hawaii, using protection from the United States, planned an uprising to overthrow Queen Liliuokalani.Without presidential permission, marines stormed the Hawaiian islands, forcing the Queen to abdicate.The President at the time, Grover Cleveland, was not in accord with the marines actions and tried to give the Queen her throne back but it was not possible due to public belief.Grover left the matter to McKinley and he annexed the islands.
  • The birth of American Socialism

    The birth of American Socialism
    Eugene Debs decided to run for President and many began to follow his ideals, having about 100,000 active members of what was now the Socialist Party. Socialists followed ideals from philosophers like Karl Marx. They suggested that the government should own all industries and divide the profits between those who worked and created the product. This meant that many more people would gain more money and there would not be as much poverty.
  • Lusitania Sinking

    Lusitania Sinking
    The Germans had warned the US that overseas travel was not safe When the Lusitania departed from NYC, a German ship torpedoed the Lusitania supposing they had ammunition, which was true.This killed about 1,198 passengers, including 128 Americans.The President was enraged that the British did not follow rules and the Germans violence, shifting the US’ perspective on their neutrality in the war.
  • Drafting for the army in WWI

    Drafting for the army in WWI
    The amount of soldiers in the Army became a problem in the US. Volunteering was ideal for the military but not many people were recruiting. Therefore, congress passed the Selective Service Act in May 1917. This consisted of males from age 21-30 to enlist for the military. Drafts were conducted by random lottery.
  • The Harlem Renaissance

    The Harlem Renaissance
    The Harlem Renaissance was an artistic and intellectual rebirth of the black community culture. This is considered the golden age for the African American culture considering ideals, music, literature, stage preform an example, and art evolved during this time. This movement was centered in Harlem, New York where many black communities were located.
  • The Black Muslims

    The Black Muslims
    Wallace Fard founded the nation of islams which was closer to African American roots, unlike Christianity. These read the Koran and worshiped Allah and Mohammed. This represented Black Pride and Black Nationalism. The nation attracted many followers where African Americans felt rejected in society.
  • The Bonus March

    The Bonus March
    After World War 1, many veterans would receive a compensation for their time in the military and for serving the country in 1945.When the depression broke out, many lost their fortunes and asked congress to get their bonus certificates early.The Bonus Expeditionary Force consisted of ex-service men who set out for the capital to achieve this.The senate rejected their demands but the veterans remained with the protests and police violently retaliated.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The whole point of the attack was for Japan to trigger the United States into responding to them. Instead, Americans retaliated in anger as 3,000 Americans were killed, 3 battleships and most seaplanes were destroyed. President Roosevelt asked congress to declare war the next day.
  • V-E day

    V-E day
    After D-Day, Hitler released his last counteroffensive, Battle of the Bulge in which was unsuccessful. Americans, the British and the French raced to Berlin and discovered the horrors that were occurring in the concentration camps due to Hitler’s regime and the Nazi’s. Hitler was found dead when the allies entered Berlin and the Germans surrendered with little to no resistance.
  • The Montgomery Bus Boycott

    The Montgomery Bus Boycott
    This event was organized by the Women’s Political Council in order to boycott riding on the bus to work, school, town to anyplace by negro passengers.of African Americans refused to ride the bus in protest. Montgomery officials tried to sabotage the boycott and violence struck and continued even though the boycott was over. There was a ruling in court and declaring segregated busing unconstitutional but people were still refusing to take the bus.
  • Feminism

    After Betty Friedman released the inspiring book, The Feminine Mystique, it spoke about ideals that had never been discussed before. It talked about why was being a housewife all there was to being a woman? Because of this book, three years later, a feminist movement, the National Organization had struck trying to achieve more participation of women in society
  • Kennedy Assassination

    Kennedy Assassination
    President Kennedy was scheduled to speak at a luncheon in Dallas, Texas. Nevertheless, America was in shock to find out that he had been assassinated while waving to a crowd as he made his way out of the airport. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for the murder and days later, he was killed by another. Many questioned if he was even the murderer and if justice had been found for the amazing US President but it was confirmed that it was that person.
  • The Antiwar Movement

    The Antiwar Movement
    This movement took place during the Vietnam War. Americans began to realize how many casualties the war was causing and costing. This is why ideals from Peace Movement Leaders began to spread throughout the US. They argued that some of the Vietnamese were being killed even though they were innocent people and much environmental damage was done due to chemicals from warfare.
  • Cable Television

    Cable Television
    Even though it was available in the 1970’s, it became popularized in American households during the 1980’s. Now, channels like ESPN, Nickelodeon, and CNN were watched easily from homes. This allowed Americans to be more informed on the news as well as entertained. MTV was a revolutionized for cable tv and the music industry because music would be broadcasted with videos from stars like Madonna and Michael Jackson.
  • Information Revolution

    Information Revolution
    During the 1990’s, the worldwide web was developed mostly for commerce in order to sell products. Nevertheless, the internet became an advantage for airlines, hotels, books, homes, and reservations b ring made/bought online. Colleges began to upload research and data on the web. There were also new ways to communicate being Email and messages as well as electronically chat rooms.
  • Operation Desert Storm

    Operation Desert Storm
    Saddam Hussein order his army to surround the borders of Kuwait, a prime supplier of oil to the US during the Iraq War.The US have Hussein an ultimatum being for him to leave or the US would attack. It was first called Operation Desert Shield and turned into Operation Desert Storm after diplomacy failed.Desert Storm became the largest air campaign since the conflict in Southeast Asia.The bombing went on for days and millions were lost because of the damage
  • The first school shooting

    The first school shooting
    The Columbine High School Shooting in Littleton Colorado was the first school shooting in America that awarded people of the issue regarding gun violence. The two perpetrators murdered 13 people before committing suicide..
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