US history unit 2

  • Navigation Acts

    laws set to govern trade between Britain and its colonies. It required to ship certain products exclusively to Britain. Made colonists mad because it limited their trading with other countries
  • Period: to

    Seven Year War

    aka the French and Indian war. Was a war fought by French and British in east part of North America over control of the Ohio River Valley. English defeated French in1763. It had established Britain as number one world power and began to gradually change attitudes of the colonists toward England for the worse
  • Treaty of Paris 1763

    ended the seven year war. France lost Canada, land east of the Mississippi (both to Britain), New Orleans and West of Mississippi (to Spain)
  • Proclamation of 1763

    proclamation from British government, which forbade British colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mts., and moves back to east.
  • Stamp Act

    Tax that B. Parliament placed on Printed paper, such as newspapers and official docs. sold in American colonies
  • Sons of Liberty

    Political organization formed by Sam Adams after the passing of the stamp act. They protested many acts. Used both peaceful and violent means of protest
  • Quartering act

    colonists were forced to house British soldiers in their homes
  • declaratory act

    The act declared Parliament's right to legislate for the colonies for whatever reason.The purpose of the act was to claim Parliament's control over all colonial incidents
  • Townshend Acts

    laws passed to tax goods such as glass, paper, paint, lead, and tea
  • Boston Massacre

    Incident that led to the death of 5 civilians at the hands of British troops
  • Boston Tea Party

    Colonists protested against increased tea prices. They dressed up as Native Americans and dumped British tea into Boston Harbor
  • Coercive Acts

    This series of laws were very harsh laws that intended to make Massachusetts pay for its resistance. It also closed down the Boston Harbor until the Massachusetts colonists paid for the ruined tea. Also forced Bostonians to shelter soldiers in their own homes.
  • Intolerable Acts

    A response to Boston Tea Party, 4 acts passed , Port of Boston closed, reduced power of assemblies in colonies, permitted royal officers to be tried elsewhere, provided for quartering of troop's in barns and empty houses
  • 1st Continental Congress

    On September 1774, delegates from 12 colonies gathered in Philadelphia. After debating, the delegates passed a resolution backing Mass. in its struggle. Decided to boycott all British goods and to stop exporting goods to Britain until the Intolerable Act was canceled.
  • Period: to

    2nd Continental Congress

    1)Sent the "Olive Branch Petition" 2)Created a continental army with George Washington as the leader. 3)Agreed to write a formal letter declaring their independence from England.
  • Period: to

    Committees of Correspondence

    organized network for passing along news of British activity to the colonies. during relolutionary war
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The first battle of the Revolution in which British general Thomas Gage went after the stockpiled weapons of the colonists in Concord, Massachusetts.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    First major battle of the Revolutions. It showed that the Americans could hold their own, but the British were also not easy to defeat. Ultimately, the Americans were forced to withdraw after running out of ammunition, and Bunker Hill was in British hands. However, the British suffered more deaths.
  • Thomas Paine/ Common Sense

    Patriot and writer of Pamphlet common sense was published, convinced many Americans that it was time to declare independence from Britain
  • Declaration of Independence

    the document recording the proclamation of the Second Continental Congress asserting the independence of the colonies from Great Britain. established the 13 American colonies as independent states, free from rule by Great Britain. Thomas Jefferson wrote the majority of this document
  • Independence Day

    Colonists declared independence from British rule
  • Battle of Trenton/ crossing the Delaware

    Washington lead American troops to attack Hessian camp at Trenton and British camp at Princeton by first crossing the icy Delaware River on Christmas night. Boosted moral for the army and convinced members of the army to re-enlist.
  • Period: to

    Valley Forge

    Place where Washington's army spent the winter of 1777-1778, a 4th of troops died here from disease and malnutrition, Steuben comes and trains troops
  • French Alliance

    French formed an alliance with America. the French promised the colonists independence and supplies, and gave the U.S. commercial privileges in French ports to avenge the British for the French defeat in the French and Indian war. in return, the us promised to continue fighting until France was ready for peace
  • Period: to

    Battle of Yorktown

    Last major battle of the Revolutionary War. Cornwallis and his troops were trapped in the Chesapeake Bay by the French fleet. He was sandwiched between the French navy and the American army. He surrendered October 19, 1781.
  • Land Ordinance

    It set up a standardized system whereby settlers could purchase title to farmland in the undeveloped west.
  • Shays Rebellion

    this conflict in Massachusetts caused many to criticize the Articles of Confederation and admit the weak central government was not working; uprising led by Daniel Shays in an effort to prevent courts from foreclosing on the farms of those who could not pay the taxes
  • Conneticut (great) Compromise

    the agreement by which Congress would have two houses, the Senate (where each state gets equal representation-two senators) and the House of Representatives (where representation is based on population).
  • 3/5 compromise

    the agreement by which the number of each state's representatives in Congress would be based on a count of all the free people plus three-fifths of the slaves
  • Constitutional Convention

    1787 meeting in which the US Constitution was created
    Opened on May 25, 1787. First order of business was to nominate the president of the convention
    Delegated did not want to pressure politicians off the job
  • New Jersey Plan

    New Jersey delegate William Paterson's plan of government, in which states got an equal number of representatives in Congress
  • Northwest Ordinance 1787

    Law that described how the Northwest Territory was to be governed
    The bill had many democratic rights
    As the territory grew in population it would gain rights to self-government
  • constitution

    delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the document in Philadelphia
  • Virginia plan

    Virginia delegate James Madison's plan of government, in which states got a number of representatives in Congress based on their population, Two houses
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Many western farmers refused to register their stills at local tax offices. Protests and riots west of the Appalachian continued for 3 years. Tax collectors were tarred and feathered. Government officials were threatened. Even mail delivery was disrupted