Ralph Abernathy
Ralph Abernathy was born. He was Martin Luther King's closest worker during the civil rights movement. Took over the Southern Chrtistian Leadership Conference when King died. -
James Meredith
James Meredith was born. James Meredith was a civil rights activist that helped desegregate the University of Mississippi. -
Dien Bien Phu
Indochina war. French vs Vietnam. Ended with the signing of the 1954 Geneva Accords. -
Southern politicians resist civil rights
Blocking of the Little Rock Nine. Sit ins. Boycotts. -
Earl Warren
Earl Warren was appointed the Supreme Court Justice. Was a part of the overturning of the Brown v Board of Education case. -
Eisenhower's Actions
Elected as president twice. Dealt with Cold War during second term. Comitted the US to Southeast Asia Treaty Organization. -
Southern Manifesto
Supports segregation. Went against the federal government. -
Bay of Pigs
Attempt to overthrow the Cuban government. Invasion was a disaster. US lost. -
Senator Fulbright
Senator of Arkansas. Opposed the administration's solution in South Vietnam. -
Betty Friedan
Betty Friedan was born in 1921 and played an important role in the feminist movement during the 1960s. She cofounded and became the first president of NOW. -
JFKs cold war policy
Thought that USA was falling behind soviets. Increased spending for the arms race. Cold War warrior. -
Credibility Gap
Division between old and young. Criticized Johnsons policies on Vietnam. -
Neo-Conservative Ideology
Political movement in the 1960s. Advocate democracy. -
Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro was born in 1926. He was the leader of the Cuban Revolution. He was the most important political figure in Cuba. -
Birmingham Demonstrations
Began with sit-ins. Became violent. Sparked movements around the country. -
Hubert Humphrey
Vice president to Lyndon B Johnson. Defended Johnsons tactics in Vietnnam. -
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Johnson signs Gulf of Tokin Resolution. Gave him the ability to commit resources in Vietnam. -
The Living Room War
Name given to Vietnam because television was playing a critical role in how people saw the war. New technology was playing a huge role as well. -
Theory that explains the US involvement in the Vietnam war. Says that USA entered the war by accident. -
1968 Crisis(MLK's death)
Assassinated at his hotel in Memphis. Brought an end to the nonviolent protest movement. -
Chicago Convention
Vietnam protestors prayed on the Democratic Convention. Protests turned violent. Robert Kennedy was assasssinated. -
Shuttle Diplomacy
Outside party coming in between a dispute. Not direct contact. Kissinger during the Nixon and Ford administrations. -
Equal Rights Amendment
Controversial amendment to get equal rights for women. Failed. Was not ratified by enough states. -
Political scandal with the Democratic National Convention in DC. Burglars broke in and got tapes of the information talked about. -
Daniel Ellsberg
Author, economist and political scientist. Released papers to the press about the Vietnam war. -
The Warren Court
A supreme court justice during the watergate scandal. Ruled that Nixon had to turn over the tapes. -
Ford's Pardon of Nixon
Ford pardon's Nixon for crimes that he comitted. Did not get reelected. -
Ayayolla Khomeini
Ayatollah Khomeini was the leader of Iran during hte hostage crisis. He was an islamic fundamentalist leader. -
Shah Reza Pahlavi
Shah of Iran that was thrown out of power. Fled to the United States for medical treatmnent. -
Soviets Invade Afghanistan
Soviets invaded in December 1979. This made the US fear run higher in terms of the cold war. -
Manuel Noriega
Panama military leader. He was overthrown. -
Conservatism in the 1980s
Set by Reagan in 1980. Conservative ideas instead of liberal. -
Reagans Fiscal Policy (Reaganomics)
Tried to reduce government spending, reduce income tax, reduce government regulation, and tighten the moeny supply to reduce inflation. Known as supply-side economics. -
Sandra Day O'Connor
First woman appointed to the Surpreme Court. Conservative but voted with liberal issues. -
National Debt Under Raegan
National debt was growing at the fastest rate ever. 21% increase. -
Colin Powell
First african american to head Joint Chief of Staff. Opposed the Iran-Contra scandal. -
Antonin Scalia
First Italian to serve on the Suoreme Court. Named associate judge in 1986 by Raegan. -
Reagan's Speech in West Berlin
Told Gorbachev to "tear down this wall". Restored Berlin. -
Anthony Kennedy
Appointed to the Supreme Court in 1988. Voted with the majority most of the time. -
Persian Gulf War
Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm. Operation Desert Storn caused the liberation of Kuwair. -
90s economic growth
GDP continually increased. Unemployment rated dropped as well. -
2nd Gulf War (Iraq War)
Conflict between Iraq and 39 other nations. Began in 1991. US did not enter till 2003. -
Intervention in Somalia
Bush authorized troops to Somalia. Somalia remains a fragmented society. -
Clinton's Impeachment
Tried to impeach him for lying on the stand. Did not get impeached- did not have enough information to do it. -
Panama Canal Treaty
Made it so Panama had full control of canal operations. They were also responsible for defense.