
US History Timeline

  • Attack of Pearl Harbor

    Attack of Pearl Harbor
    The coast of Hawaii occupied by US battle ships and an area of US training for military as well as a military base for the US government was attacked by the Japanese by a surprise. This day remarked the day in which a war was in-formally announced between Japan and US.
  • Franklin D. Rosevelt Is Elected as President

    Franklin D. Rosevelt Is Elected as President
    President Roosevelt for presidency in a time of turmoil and promised people that he will get everything under-control during such difficult times. He was elected as a representative of the democratic party and was the 32nd president of the United States of America
  • Hitler's Commits Suicide

    Hitler's Commits Suicide
    Hitler who was the most influential leader of his time ran a horrific party in German known as the NAZI's and was very successful and was a brutal man who killed many people. His army was starting to lose the war that he believed he would win so he didn't want to be taken and tried for his crime so he committed suicide along with his whole family.
  • The Iron Curtain is Established

    The Iron Curtain is Established
    Iron curtain was established by the communists to keep the people from East Germany and from other Communist countries from leaving. The curtain eventually a Berlin wall so that the plan was to be enforced.
  • Marshall Plan is Signed

    Marshall Plan is Signed
    The Marshall Plan was to rebuild Europe and was a $15 billion plan that was established by President Truman to make sure that Europe was fully re-established and so that they don't turn to Communism for help.
  • The Dropping of the Two Nuclear Bombs on Japan

    The Dropping of the Two Nuclear Bombs on Japan
    The United States has produced two nuclear bombs that was planned to be dropped on Japan after all the hard-ship that U.S was going through during this war and they used both of their bombs on the Japanese which eventually led the Japanese to surrender.
  • Gi Bill (Servicemen's Readjustment Act) was Created

    Gi Bill (Servicemen's Readjustment Act) was Created
    This was a bill that was passed to help Veterans adjust from war and military struck countries and come back to settle down to civilized homes and be able to go back to their life the way they had it before.
  • Containment Policy

    Containment Policy
    This policy was very important to the United States as they did not want to have communism spread anywhere in Europea or any other countries near by as the US belived that if one country fauls to communism then other countries will occur the same issue.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    This was a plan that was set up to make sure that countries such as Turkey and Greece do not fall in the hands of communism as the U.S wanted to enforce a plan called "Containment" and so the US sent $400 million in military and supply support.
  • National Security Act of 1947

    National Security Act of 1947
    This was a plan set up to create a department known as Department of Defense so that any issues affecting the United States would be dealty withthese issues immediately.
  • U.S Airforce Becomes Own Department

    U.S Airforce Becomes Own Department
    The U.S Airforce before the WWII was part of just the military but was split apart and became its own department on Septembre 26, 1947.
  • U.S Presidential Re-Election

    U.S Presidential Re-Election
    Another presidential election was held and President Truman was elected to be the president for another term.
  • Selective Service Act of 1948

    Selective Service Act of 1948
    This was an act passed to have soldiers enrolled and have them go to war as the army was in need of soldiers during WWII to make sure that they had enough soldiers ready to attack during any time.
  • Alger Hiss Case

    Alger Hiss Case
    The case was in regards to a well-known lawyer in the government who was accused of perjury and being a Soviet spy helping the Soviets in important information.
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
    This was an organization that is a military alliance between countries who are part of the United Nations who agreed that an "attack on one, is an attack on all".
  • Communists Win the War In China

    Communists Win the War In China
    In China, Communists under Mao Zedong force Chiang Kai-shek's KMT government to retreat to Taiwan. This caused many American's to double think about the containment policy and the efforts being made.
  • Germany Divided

    Germany Divided
    Germany was divided into West and East and it went as far as to later create a Berlin Wall to stop people from crossing to West Germany.
  • Soviet Bomb Test

    Soviet Bomb Test
    The Soviet Union tested their first atomic bomb on August to see that the bomb does work well and to show the other countries that they have a weapon as powerful as theirs.
  • McCarran Internal Security Act

    McCarran Internal Security Act
    It is an act that states every Communist organization must be registered so that US can protect themselves and know that a SOviet attack isn't internal.
  • Korean War Begins

    Korean War Begins
    The Korean war starts between the North who is communist and is being backed up by the Soviet Union, and the South being supported by the United States.
  • 22nd Amendment

    22nd Amendment
    The 22nd Amendment limts the rights of a president and what they can do and what they are not to be involved in.
  • Armistice in Korea

    Armistice in Korea
    North and South Korea don't get far as they get stopped at the 38th parallel which was set before the Korean War started.
  • Rosenburg's Executed

    Rosenburg's Executed
    The Rosenburgs have been accused of providing information to Soviet Union and spying on the United States. They were executed.
  • Warsaw Pact Is Established

    Warsaw Pact Is Established
    The Warsaw pact was set up by the Soviet Union to have a military alliance such as the NATO.
  • President Eisenhower Sets Highway

    President Eisenhower Sets Highway
    President Eisenhower set up the Interncontinetal Highway system to help the travelling time be shortened.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    Bay of Pigs is an incident authorized by JFK and it was to use the Cuban's against eachother so they can run the communist government out but it was a disaster.
  • Martin Luther King Jr is Assasinated

    Martin Luther King Jr is Assasinated
    Martin Luther King was assasinated.