US history Timeline

  • Sep 12, 1492

    Columbus discovers America

    Columbus discovers America
    Columbus lands his ship in the Americas.
  • The settlement of Jamestown

    The settlement of Jamestown
    104 Englishman picked a place in Virginia they called Jamestown to be their settlement.
  • The french and indian war

    The french and indian war
    The french and Indian war started in 1754 and didn't end until 1763. George Washington who fought in the war advanced to the rank of general by it's conclusion.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was a protest against the unfair taxation the British government had forced upon the American people. A group of people led by the sons of liberty dressed up as native Americans and stormed a harbor called Griffin's Wharf. They boarded boats and threw huge barrels of tea overboard.
  • The Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The Battle of Lexington and Concord
    This was the first battle of the revolutionary war and while it only lasted 10 minutes it had a major impact on the war as a whole. The first shot fired was called the shot heard round the world and it is still unknown which side fired it.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    A year after the battle at Lexington and Concord the Declaration of Independence was signed. It explained the reasoning behind the war and why it is important to maintain your freedoms. While the Declaration was signed on this date it didn't arrive in England until around August 10th.
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown
    After three weeks of continuous battle the British general Cornwallis finally surrendered insuring the independence of our nation.
  • The Constitutional Convention

    The Constitutional Convention
    Lasting around four months this convention was to address the governmental issues that were created by the articles of confederation.
  • The invention of the cotton gin

    The invention of the cotton gin
    This machine separated cotton seeds form the actual cotton. It made cotton farming a lot easier and a lot faster.
  • The Alien and Sedition Acts

    The Alien and Sedition Acts
    Passed during John Adams term these acts were meant to control the flow of immigrants to America and limited their rights.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    This Purchase doubled the size of the US at the time and although there are many dates for the purchase this one is the date when Robert Livingston and James Monroe signed the treaty in Paris.
  • The war of 1812

    The war of 1812
    This war was fought to stop Great Britain from stealing our ships cargo and crew. It lasted around three years and caused the death of around 15,000 Americans.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise allowed Missouri into the country as a slave state and Maine as a free state. It also stopped other states in the Louisiana Purchase from becoming slave states.
  • Andrew Jackson Election

    Andrew Jackson Election
    The 1828 election was significant because it was very similar to our two party system and our modern campaigning processes.
  • The panic of 1837

    The panic of 1837
    The panic of 1837 was a financial crisis that lead to a major depression which effected the American economy.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    After the Indian removal act which was passed by Andrew Jackson Cherokee Indians were forced to walk hundreds of miles to relocate and many of them died on the way
  • Invention of the Telegraph

    Invention of the Telegraph
    The Telegraph was one of the first ways to send messages over a long distance.
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    This was a far fought over Texas's independence. It lasted around two years and ended with Texas winning it's freedom.
  • The compromise of 1850

    The compromise of 1850
    The compromise of 1850 was when a senator created resolutions to help stop a war between the north and the south. It included the stopping of slaves in Washington DC.
  • Batlle of Fort Sumter

    Batlle of Fort Sumter
    This was the beginning battle of the civil war and was started when the South Carolinian militia started a bombardment on Fort Sumter. The battle only lasted a single day and the result was a confederate victory.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation
    This proclamation basically ended slavery in the south for good. It also causes a lot of slaves from the south to flea and fight for the north.
  • The Organization of Standard Oil Trust

    The Organization of Standard Oil Trust
    Standard Oil Trust was created by John D. Rockefeller and Maurice. B around 1863
  • Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse

    Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse
    This was the official surrender of the confederate army.
  • Abraham Lincoln’s Assassination

    Abraham Lincoln’s Assassination
    Abraham Lincoln was shot while watching a play at Ford's theater by John Wilkes Booth. John who was a retired actor proceeded to jump off the stage and yell "Sic semper tyrannis!".
  • 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments

    13th, 14th, 15th Amendments
    Introduced in the span of 5 years these amendments sought to give recently freed slaves equal rights.
  • Andrew Johnsons impeachment

    Andrew Johnsons impeachment
    Andrew Johnson was accused of violating the Tenure of Office Act by firing the secretary of war.
  • Period: to

    The invention of the electric light, telephone, and airplane

    During the span of around 30 years three of the most revolutionary things were invented.
  • The Pullman and Homestead Strikes

    The Pullman and Homestead Strikes
    The Pullman and Homestead Strikes were a series of strikes led by workers who were fed up with their low wages.
  • The Spanish-American War

    The Spanish-American War
    The Spanish-American War started when a US battleship was sunk in Havana. It lasted less than a year but proved that the US was a force to be reckoned with.
  • Theodore Roosevelt becomes president

    Theodore Roosevelt becomes president
    Theodore Roosevelt became president after William McKinley was assassinated. He was reelected and served until 1909