US History Timeline

By heehee7
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Discovery of America by Columbus

    Discovery of America by Columbus
  • Period: Oct 12, 1492 to

    US History

  • May 10, 1534

    Discovery of Canada by Jacques Cartier

    Discovery of Canada by Jacques Cartier
  • Period: May 10, 1534 to

    Canadian History

  • The Settlement of Jamestown

  • Quebec City is founded

  • The French and Indian War started

  • Battle of the Plains of Abraham

  • The Boston Tea Party

  • the Battle of Lexington and Concord

  • The Invasion of Canada (Canada Won)

    The Invasion of Canada (Canada Won)
    Don't know when the invasion started, only know the year.
  • America Declares itself free

  • The Battle of Yorktown begins

  • The Constitutional Convention begins

  • The invention of the Cotten Gin

  • The Alien and Sedition acts are put in place

  • The Louisiana Purchase

  • The War of 1812 Begins

  • The Missouri Compromise starts

  • Andrew Jackson's Election

  • The Trail of Tears begins

    The Trail of Tears begins
    Do not know the exact date it began so only the year is correct.
  • The Panic of 1837

  • The first offical telegram is sent

  • the Mexican-American War begins

  • The Compromise of 1850

  • The Firing on Fort Sumter

  • The Emancipation Proclomation

  • The 13th amedment

  • The Surrender at Appomatox Courthouse

  • Abraham Lincoln's assassination

  • Andrew Jackson's Impeachment

  • The 14th amedment

  • The 15th Amedment

  • The invention of the Telephone

    Don't know the day and the month, only know the year
  • The invention of the Electric Light

    Don't know the month and day, only know the year
  • The Standard Oil Trust is Organized

  • The Homestead Strike

  • The Pullman stirke

  • The Spanish-American war begins

    The Spanish-American war begins
    Unknown what exact day it began, only know the month and year
  • Teddy Roosevelt becomes President

    Unknown the exact day, only know the month and year
  • The first flights on a motorized airplane