us history timeline

  • John D. Rockefeller

    Standard Oil Trust; Andrew Carnegie - Steel
  • Wounded Knee

    Federal forces massacre 200 Sioux Indians
  • Yellow Journalism

    journalism that features unethical or unprofessional practices by news media organizations or individual journalists.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Separate but Equal' is constitutional (overturned by Brown vs. Board of Education)
  • Spanish-American War

    Teddy Roosevelt leads Rough Riders, U.S. crushes Spain's Navy
  • Treaty of Paris

    ends the Spanish-American War
  • president Mckinley

    President McKinley was assassinated, Teddy Roosevelt now the 26th president
  • Muckraker

    writers who expose big business corruption
  • world war 1

    World War 1 started in Europe
  • world war 1 started

    the war started
  • world war 1 ended

    world war 1 lasted about 5 years
  • 18th Amendment

    outlaws purchase, sale, and transport of alcohol
  • Treaty of Versailles

    ends WWI; calls for heavy reparations on Germany, disarmament, and creation of League of Nations; U.S. Senate rejects it
  • 19 amendment

    woman have to right to vote (women suffrage)
  • Charles Lindbergh

    completes world's first solo flight across Atlantic - seen as a hero
  • Sacco and Vanzetti

    executed for murder; controversial because they were anarchists, politically motivated, and unjustified
  • Stock Market Crash

    'Black Tuesday' - launches Great Depression 10/24/1929 -November 11th 1929
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt 32 president

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt elected President
  • great depression

    stock market crash and it lasted 10 years august 1929 to March 1933
  • 1st 100 Days

    creation of countless jobs, most productive of any president's 1st 100 days
  • Wagner Act

    supports union rights protect collective bargaining
  • Social Security Act

    establishes funds for unemployed and elderly still here today
  • Propaganda

    motivate U.S. citizens to support war efforts
  • pearl harbor

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor - U.S. enters the War
  • Battle of Midway

    The U.S. defeats Japan, seen as a turning point in the war in the Pacific
    June 4- June 7th
  • Germany surrenders

    V-E-DAY (victory in Europe day)
  • Iron Curtain

    describes the division of Communist Eastern Europe from Western Europe
  • Truman Doctrine

    U.S. intent to fight Communism by helping free nations resist it.
  • Marshal Plan

    postwar economic recovery to help Western Europe; largest relief aid given by the U.S. in U.S. history
  • "Containment"

    (Truman) must stop the spread of all communism; "Domino Theory" (Eisenhower) – fears that Indochina must not go communist or it will spread all over the world
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    overturns Plessy vs. Ferguson; says separate but equal is unconstitutional
  • 1st televised Presidential debate

    JFK vs. Nixon (JFK wins); JFK president 1960
  • I have a dream

    the speech was given by MLK - speech for civil rights
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    bans discrimination in education, employment, & public places
  • Malcom X

    blamed whites for African American problems; assassinated
  • Watergate Scandal

    Nixon authorizes break-in and wiretapping of Democratic National Committee headquarters in Watergate complex in Washington, D.C.
  • Roe vs. Wade

    legalizes abortion (up to 3 months)
  • 40th President

    Ronald Reagan
  • U.S. bombs Libya

    Libya is supporting Palestinians
  • Bill Clinton President

    appoints Janet Reno first female attorney general