US History timeline

By Meng
  • Dien Bien Phu

    Defeat of French forces in Veitnam
  • Segregated schools are unconstitutional

    Supreme court declares segregated schools unconstitutional
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott begins

    Rosa Parks is arrested for not going to the back of the bus.
  • Sepreate but equal doctrine is no longer constitutional

    Supreme court declares this.
  • SCLC is created

    Southern ministers create SCLC
  • Kenedy takes office

    Kennedy takes office
  • First Freedom Riders

    James Farmer created first Freedom Riders to desegregate interstate bus travel
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Leads protests in Birmingham Alabama

    Martin Luther King Jr. Leads protests in Birmingham Alabama. King is jailed
  • Diem was overthrown

    Diem is overthrown and executed.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Outlawed major forms of discrimination
  • President Johnson makes an inmportant announcement

    President Johnson announced North Veitnamese torpedo boats fired on two american destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    President can take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression
  • SDS led a march on Washington DC

    This drew more than 20,000 participants
  • Voting Rights Act

    Congress passes voting rights act of 1965
  • Rally at Washington's Lincoln memorial

    This drew tens of thousande of protestors
  • Veitcong and North Veitnamese launched a massive suprise attack

    Veitcong and North Veitnamese launched a massive suprise attack during Tet.
  • Johnson addresses public

    Makes an important announcement
  • Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated

    Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated
  • Robert F. Kennedy is assinated

    Robert F. Kennedy is assinated in L.A. California shortly after midnight
  • Kent State University protest students are shot by National Guard

    Kent State University protest students are shot by National Guard
  • Veitnam War ends and peace is restored

    Treaty was signed between waring sides. Peace was restored
  • US involvement in Veitnam ends

    US involvement in Veitnam ends