Virginia Company Gets Charter from King James 1
-The company wanted territory on Eastern Shores of North America where Sir Walter Raleigh explored.
- They got financial support by asking for small investments -
Jamestown Founded
-Susan Constant, Discovery and Godspeed reached the shores of Virginia
-went inland on river and got to a peninsula (claimed the land as theirs)
-Founded Jamestown near the James River -
The Starving Time
-John Smith predicted disaster
-Disease in river water and Hunger
-people weren't used to working or clearing fields, planting
-Smith took control and got nearby Powhatan to help
-1609 600 colonists come for new life
-Powhatan threatened to kill colonists livestock and destroy farms
- The following winter Jamestown deteriorated until famine -
Invention of Brown Gold
-1612, colonist John Rolfe mixed Brazil tobacco with Native American Weed
-by late 1620s colonists export more than 1.5 million lbs of this tobacco
-Issue: they needed lots of laborers. (Tobacco production used a great number of field laborers.) -
Headright System Introduced
- anyone who paid for their or another settlement got 50 acres of land
- many owners imported indentured servants -they got food, shelter and voyage and only had to work from around 4-7 years
Plymouth Colony Founded (by Separatists)
Dutch granted Dutch West Indie company to colonize New NEtherland
Chief Opechancanough raid on Jamestown
- Jamestown leader remembered hostility of Powhatan during starving time demanded tribute of corn and labor pocohantas and john rolfe married briefly making peace this chief launches raid on J town killing 340 virginia co sent its troops and supplies and they went bankrupt james I was disgusted and revoked charter to royal colony by 1644 the powhatan population was decreasing
Dutch founded New amsterdam (NYC)
Massachussetts Bay Colony Developed ( a year after charter)
King Charles I charter to George Clavert--Maryland
Charles II got land bywn virginia and Spanish florida to form North and South Carolina
Roger Williams Flees Massachusetts to create providence
Pequot War
Anne Hutchinson Banished from Massachusetts
Dutch get New Sweden
Duke of York kicks Dutch out of New Netherland
Tensions arise between indentured Servants and the Wealthy
- Governor Sir William Berkley increased taxes for poor settlers
- profit goes to wealthy plantation farmers or to protect gov't positions -clashes between Western settlers and natives are increasing
King Phillip's War
Bacon's Rebellion
Charter for Penn to go to Pennyslvania
James Ogelthrope got colony for Georgia