us history taks timeline

  • roanoke

    founded on roanoke island off the north carolina coast
  • jamestown

    first perminant settlement in the new world
  • house of burggeses

    first represntitave assembly in the new world
  • mayflower compact

    was an agreement to form a self government
  • roger williams

    founded providence
  • navigation acts

    british parrlament passed first navigation act
  • william pinn

    pinn signed a treaty and made payment for pennsylvania
  • witchcraft

    alleged witchs were executed "you are a witch"
  • great awakening

    religious revial began
  • poor richards almanac

    Benjamin franklen published the first poor richards alamac
  • john peter zenger

    editor john zenger was acquited of libelin new york city after criticizing the british govenor.
  • french and indian war

    began when the french occupied duquesne (pitsburgh
  • sugar act

    placed dutieson lumber foodstuffs molasses and rum in colonies to pay off war debts
  • stamp act

    britian put taxes on stamps and angered colonists
    it was also repealed in 1766
  • quartering act

    required colonists to hide british troops
  • townshend act

    levied taxes on glass painters lead , paper, and tea
  • boston massacre

    british troops fired into crowd killing 5 includeing crispus attucks
  • boston tea party

    colonists board bitish ships and throw cargo into the boston harbor
  • intolerable acts

    closed poston harbor till tea was payed for
  • first continental congress

    held in phillidelphia called for civil disobedence agianst british.
  • patrick henry

    give me liberty or give me death

    the shot heard around the world
  • commonn sense

    a famous pro-independence pamphlet
  • declaration of independence

    it was approved on july 4th
  • articles of confedaration

  • jpj

    john paul jones deafeted the serapis
  • yorktown

    cprnwallis retired to cornwallis
  • paris peace treaty

  • george washington

    chosen president by all e;ectors
  • bill of rights

    submitted to states
  • cotton gin

    eli whitney invented the cotton gin
  • washingtons farewell address

    delivered sept 17 warned agianst alliances
  • lewis and clark

    lewis and clark explore northwest
  • steamboat

    robert fulton made first practical steamboat
  • war of 1812

    was a war that was caused by 3 main reasons
    britian captured french tradeships
    britian captured 4000 saylors by 1810