Oct 12, 1492
Christopher Columbus reaches present day Bahamas
Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand(Monarchs of Spain) give Columbus 3 smalls ships to find India. Columbus wound up in North America. The Spoils made Spain very powerful during this time. -
Establishment of St. Augustine - New Spain
First permanent European Settlement -
Sir Humphrey Gilbert sets sail to find Northern route to pacific
Set out June of 1583, his ship disappeared in September...Gilbert failed to find a Northern route to pacific, and he also died. -
Establishment of Roanoke Colony
Founded by Sir Walter Raleigh. -
Sir Wlater Raleigh returns to get more people to come to Roanoke
Sir Walter Raleigh is able to get 100 people to come with him
John White becomes the governor of Roanoke. He leaves to England for supplies. When returning 3 years later, because of the Spanish Armada, everyone is gone. -
English attempt to establish a colony in Maine
100 men settle, but it failed within the year. Started by the Plymouth Company, a Joint-Stock Company that was established 1606 -
Establishment of Jamestown - English
Most settlers were treasure hunters. Hardly no farmers(depended on natives), suffered from starvation and internal conflicts(as well as Indian conflicts) -
Establishment of Camp Henry - English
King Granted North Carolina -
Establishment of Quebec - France
First French colony, became a cast fur-trading enterprise for the French. Setup horrible Indian wars -
James I Claims he has Divine Right
John Smith dies
Documented Jamestown's first year of being in North America. First president of Jamestown. Pochonta. -
Establishment of Sante Fe(inside present day New Mexico), for New Spain
James I removes parliament
Virginia becomes profitable - John Rolfe makes tobacco sweet
First attempt to sell tobacco from Virigina failed because it was no good to the English. It needed to be sweet. John Rolfe makes it sweeter, and Virginia becomes profitable. -
Important things happen in Jamestown
Women arrive, Africans arrive(as indentured servants), House of Burgesses established -
First African Slaves arrive as indentured servants
Establishment of Plymouth - English
Plymouth is founded by Separatists. 100 men and women came to North America. Traveled to Plymouth rock between September and December. -
Mayflower Compact
First constitution in North America. Sets up structure to create laws. Grants religious freedom -
Good Friday Attack on Jamestown
Opechancanough, Chief after Powhatan(Father of Pocahontas), led an attack against Jamestown -
Establishment of New Netherland - Dutch
First permanent Dutch settlement, founded by Henry Hudson. Dutch were late to American Exploration because they were fighting for independence from Spain. Threatened by England -
King terminates Jamestown Charter
Jamestown becomes a Royal colony -
Charles I becomes King
After James I dies. Hated Puritans. Thought that whoever brought innovations to religion was a enemy of the kingdom. -
Establishment of Maryland - English
Founded by Sir George Calvert(Lord Baltimore). Settlers bought land from Native Americans -
Establishment of New Hampshire - English
Granted to John Mason. First Planned colony. Planned to be a fishing colony. -
House of Assembly Established in Maryland
Establishment of Hartford
Thomas Hooker founded in 1636, later became a colony. Disagreed with Massachusetts Bay. Claimed "Government should be based on the consent of the governered." -
New Netherlands starts to become very lucrative -> Fur trading
Body of Liberties established in Massachusetts Bay
Massachusetts Bay is founded by Puritans. Body of Liberties contained a list of 100 liberties. Precursor to General Laws of Massachusetts and State Constitution. -
New Hampshire is taken under Massachusetts
Period: to
Puritan Revolution
Puritans wanted to reduce influence of ritual and hierarchy -
Establishment of New Amsterdam - Dutch
Founded by Peter Stuyvesant. Had problems with Native Americans -
Laws and Liberties of Massachusetts
Establishes the Civil and Criminal laws until 1800's in Massachusetts. Notable for Due Process -
Toleration Act
Symbolic act. Prevent protestants -
House of Assembly(Maryland) is broken into Upper and Lower Houses
Navigation Act established to force colonies to use English Ships
Directed towards the Dutch. King was unable to enforce it though. -
Navigation Act stating that certain resources from the New world must be shipped to England
Example: Virginia had to send its tobacco to England first before shipping it elsewhere. They weren't able to ship products directly to somewhere. -
Period: to
Charles II becomes king after Charles I
Virginia allows slavery
Period: to
Progression of Slavery
Staple Act stating that anything coming to the New World must go through England.
Everything except Wine, Horses, and Salt -
Maryland passes First slave legislature
"All Negroes or other slaves hereafter imported into province shall server for life as should their children." -
Establishment of New York and New Jersey
Originally New Netherlands. King grants New Netherlands to his Brother. Brother is the Duke of York. Took the land by force. Dutch were caught off guard, they then become English citizens. -
Baptism no longer changes staus of slavery
Plantation Duty Act
Tax on good from one colony to another -
Bacons Rebellion
Virginia - Many poor people, small group of elites. Thomas Matthews traded with Dog Tribe. Matthews short changes the Dog Tribe. In turn, Dog Tribe steals a pig. Nathaniel Bacon establishes a Militia to prevent another King Phlips war. Bacon was sent to jail, then set free. Sets Jamestown on fire. -
Period: to
King Philips(Metacom) War
Started by Metacom, didn't like English. Between English and Native Americans. Bloody war. United colonies of New England. -
King Charles II separates New Hampshire from Massachusetts
Establishment of Pennsylvania - English Settlement
Founded by William Penn -
Establishment of Caronlina - English
Granted to 8 Proprietors. John Locke created constitution: Religious Freedom, Voting(low property requirements), Rejected by most people. Carolina was later divided in 1712. -
James II becomes King after Charles II
Charles II didn't have any sons -
Monmouth's Rebellion
James Scott is the First Duke of Monmouth. Claims to be the illegitimate son of Charles II. Attempts to overthrow James II. Monmouth's Army is defeated at the Battle of Sedgemoor. All of James Scott's followers are deported to the new world -
Period: to
Dominion of England
Failed idea to unite all the New England Colonies. Intended to tighten their control on the colonies. Needed to make more money. Colonies did not want to get rid of their charters -
Bloodless Coup to overthrow King James II
Part of Glorious Revolution -
Period: to
Glorious Revolution
Started as a bloodless coup to overthrow King James II. Wanted to remove divine right. Established English Bill of Rights. Inspires North American Constitution -
English Bill of Rights Established
Part of the Glorious Revolution -
Massachusetts Bay Colony and Plymouth Merge
Virginia bans interracial marriages
Massachusetts becomes a Royal Colony
Massachusetts asks the new King to re-establish their charter. King creates a new charter, and Massachusetts becomes a Royal Colony -
Virginia prohibits slaves from recognition in court
Slaves accused of committing a capital crime prohibited from asserting right to trial by jury or right to appeal a conviction -
Outbreak of Salem Witch Trials
Betty and Abigail are having fits, father calls doctor, doctor says they're bewitched. -
Navigation Act to enforce all previous navigation acts
Establishment of Delaware - English
Charter allowed 3 most southern colonies to create their own assembly. -
Virginia House of Burgesses passes Slave Code
- All slaves are now slaves for life
- Servants and slaves cannot trade with one another
- Slave marriages are banned
- Masters were allowed sexual relations with slaves
- Mistresses of house were not allowed sexual relations with other slaves