US History P.5

  • 1215

    The Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta
    The barons were fed up with unjust taxes and imprisonment, Barons rebelled against King John. The "Magna Carta", was a protective barrier for basic individual rights and a check on royal power. It sheared the power to raise taxes, assured fair trials, and even held the king for his crimes when the time came! Though revised and challenged, it has lived on, inspiring later revolutions. This document says one thing: Power must answer to justice.
  • 13 Colonies

    13 Colonies
    Crafted by European dreams, the 13 Colonies prospered along the coast of America's east coast. Virginia, which was born in the year 1607, was the stronghold of Jamestown. In search of gold, struck it rich in tobacco for a change. Maryland, which was "heaven" for Catholics, had forcefully unhanded themselves from King John's grasp. In the meantime, Delaware and New Jersey bloomed on their fertile soil. Each colony, with a unique purpose, had separated from England because of the strong taxes.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown, which was the start of the long-lived tale of the 13 Colonies, eager to plant what would be the first permanent American settlement/colony, one HUNDRED and four English spirits set sail for Virginia, it seemed to hit hard as over HALF of the unfortunate souls had perished in the harsh conditions. As of 1619, the first people of African origin were introduced, starting another well-known tale that goes by the name of "Slavery". By the 18th century, its glory days had faded.
  • Pueblo Revolt

    Pueblo Revolt
    After endless oppression from the Spanish, the Pueblo people of New Mexico had cracked under the heat. Their resentment had reached a boiling point, Po'Pay, a man who specialized in medicinal drugs and was a war captain, had risen as a sign of resistance. The following events were him uniting Pueblo people across many communities. On August 10th, the very same year, a well-planned strike suddenly erupted, killing many officials, colonists, etc.
  • Stono Rebellion

    Stono Rebellion
    This extreme, over-the-top rebellion, is a look into the lived experiences of the enslaved Africans in early South Carolina. Many sources exist, including, but not limited to; Trial transcripts, slave patrols, etc. Spear-headed by Angolan men, about 20 were ready to do life or death for their freedom. Progressing to the South, as they passed many plantations, they called on the determination of fellow slaves, and despite how long it lasted, it resulted in many of the souls embarking to pass.
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    French / Indian war

    France and Great Britain, who tagged along with their friends the Americans, fought for North America's full grasp.
    After Britain had fought with all their might, they had protected North America under the condition that they were now knees deep in debt. After refusing to pay their debt, Americans got slapped with heavy taxes and unfair acts. In response, about 1 million dollars worth of tea in today's money was destroyed. This led to a series of intense events and battles.
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    Regulator Movement

    The Regulator Movement was about the colonial injustice in North Carolina, heavy economic problems, hefty taxes that were unbearable, and the corrupt people among officials brewed discontent within everyone. Seeping with anger, regulators headed to the Colonial Capital in search of arresting the aforementioned corrupt officials. This was a highlight of the start of some much, much larger fought battles later on, and proves the importance of reasonable decision-making.
  • Coercive Acts

    Coercive Acts
    During the early spring of 1774, to make America repay its debt after protecting them from France, a series of taxes and unfair acts was laid upon America, known as "The Intolerable Acts", better known as the "Coercive Acts".
    Mar. 25, the Boston Port Act wasn't a tax but punished Bostin heavily for the destroyed tea of the Boston Tea Party.
    The Quartering Act which let soldiers house themselves in civilian homes without permission, and many other acts.
    The challenges of these acts were heavy.
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    Continental Congress

    The Continental Congress which started in 1774 and proved to hold strong until 1789, started its legacy with a revolutionary assembly, which pulled together the 13 Colonies. It was originally meant to address the problems with British policies but was molded into a National government, fighting for freedom.
    They raised armies, appointed generals, and created foreign allies. In 1776, declared independence, and by 1789, it had disbanded completely, leaving it's mark in history for good.
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    American Revolution

    The American Revolution started in 1775 and ended in 1783, in North America, where the 13 Colonies prospered. This event was a war to gain independence from Great Britain, and happened because there was a growing hate for the taxes lowered unto them, which was known as the "Coercive Acts". Such major decisions were made, for example, the Continental Army and Congress were made as a result of this event. This event included challenges such as overcoming an overbearing enemy.
  • Declaration of Independance

    Declaration of Independance
    At the heart of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is where the legacy of the Declaration of Independence begins. This historical document is a declaration of separation from Britain and was signed on the fourth of July, 1776, hence the 4th of July. This was to justify their reasoning for separation by outlining the many flaws of Britain. Signed by Jefferson, it was a big decision in itself and faced quite the challenge of getting national support as they did. This document stands as proof of freedom.
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    Battles of Saratoga / Yorktown

    The people of the Saratoga battle were the American Continental Army, VS the British Army. While with Yorktown, it was the Continental Army/French Forces VS British Forces. These happened at Saratoga, New York. And Yorktown, Virginia. Yorktown did it to trample British Forces, while Saratoga to halt the British's advancement. This caused France to join the war in cooperation with America. They faced logistical problems and in-experienced leadership, but this shows the importance of cooperation.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The T.o.P. Was a formal agreement to conclude the American Revolution and was signed on Sept. 3, 1783, in Paris, France, more specifically; at "Hotel D' York". The USA and Great Britain were included in this event, and this event mainly was to define borders and finally halt the constant war. Some major decisions were America finally repaying Britain their debt, with Britain following up by retreating troops from U.S. Territory. A challenge they faced during this was negotiating peace for this.
  • The Constitution

    The Constitution
    This historical document which was signed on Sept. 17, 1787, and ratified in 1788 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was a supreme law, outlining what the governments could and couldn't do. This was made to address flaws in the A.O.C, and to create a strong foundation for the U.S. Major decisions were the creation of 'Checks and balances', and the creation of the 3 branches of government, some challenges they may have faced were reaching an agreement with delegates with diverse beliefs and views.
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    Whiskey Rebellion

    This event consists of Distillers and the federal government. This was a tax protest that happened in Western Pennsylvania, they did this because of the pre-existing economic hardship, plus the unfairness. Congress enacted the Excise tax, and resistance to the tax became more intense. Many leaders were arrested and/or convicted of Treason. This shows the importance of public trust, and fair taxes for everyone.