US History of Science Education

  • Period: to


  • Mecanique Analytique

    Joseph-Louis Lagrange further develops the analytical mechanics of Euler when he published Mecanique Analytique, furthering Newtonian mechanics.
    A Timeline of Mathematics and Theoretical physics (2015). Retrieved from
  • Theory of Analytical Functions

    Lagrange publishes the Theory of Analytical Functions which is the first treatise of on the theory of functions of a real variable.
    A Mathematical Chronology. School of Mathematics and Statistics (2015). Retrieved from
  • Polynomial Equations

    Abel proves that polynomial equations of a degree greater than four can not be solved by radicals.
    A Mathematical Chronology. School of Mathematics and Statistics (2015). Retrieved from
  • First Foray of federal science education

    First Foray of federal science education
    The 1950's and 60's, the NSF was the first for federal science curriculum reform.
    Taking Science to School,Learning and Teching Science in Grades K-8 by National Research Council (NSF) (2015).
  • College Board

    College Board introduces college level science courses for advanced high school students.
    Hechinger (2011). Timeline: Important Dates in U.S. Science Education History. Retrieved from
  • National Defense Education Act

    National Defense Education Act is passed by Congress providing $887 million to boost science education.
    Hechinger (2011). Timeline: Important Dates in U.S. Science Education History. Retrieved from
  • Barring the teaching of evolution.

    Epperson vs Arkansas. Arkansas legislature passes law prohibiting teachers in public schools from teaching human evolution.
    Epperson v. Arkansas." Oyez. Chicago-Kent College of Law at Illinois Tech, n.d. Oct 26, 2015.
  • NAEP

    National Assessmnet of Educational Progress (NAEP) begins testing in science at sate levels.
    The Nations Report Card (2015). Retrieved from
  • U.S. Metric Board

    The U.S. creates th Metric Board in hopes of adopting the metric system of measurement. Gerald Ford declared the Metric System "the preferred system of weights and measures for U.S. trade and commerce".
    Peters, Gerhard; Woolley, John T. "Gerald R. Ford: "Statement on Signing the Metric Conversion Act of 1975.," December 23, 1975". The American Presidency Project. University of California - Santa Barbara.
  • Nation at Risk

    The National Commision on Excellence in Education releases a report with details of how U.S. science education is failing globally.
    A Nation At Risk. (1983).Retrieved from
  • Project 2061

    A long term research and development initiative improving science education in the U.S. was launched so all Americans can be literate in science.
    Advancing Science,Seving America (2015). Project 2061. Retrieved from
  • National Science Educational Standards

    The National Research Council produces the National Science Educational Standards. A set of goals to increase student knowledge and assessment.
    Hechinger (2011). Timeline: Important Dates in U.S. Science Education History. Retrieved from
  • Before it's too late

    Richard W. Riley, Secretary ofEducation appointed a National commision on mathematics and science teaching for the 21st century. This commision was responsible for professional growth in teaching mth and science.
    Improving the Education of Future Physics Teachers. (2013). Retrieved from
  • Common Core

    Coomon Core State Standards for Mthematics was created to have students gain the knowledge and skills necassary to prepare for college and the work force.
    Robert Reys, M. L. (2012). Helping Children Learn Mathematics. In R. Reyes, Helping Children Learn Mathematics 10th Ed. (pp. 14-20). Danvers, MA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Next Generation Science Standards

    The NRC releases framework for this generation of science standards for k-12.
    Framework for k-12 Science Education (2011). Retrieved from
  • No Child Left Behind Act (NCLBA)

    NCLBA takes focus off of science education to focus on math and reading.