Us History from 1945-1990

  • Period: to

    Us History from 1945-1990

  • Kennan's Long Telegram lays out Containment policy

  • Truman desegregates military

  • USSR gets atomic bomb, Chinese Communists Win

    NATO formed
  • The Korean War Begins

  • I Love Lucy Airs; First Color TV

  • US Tests H-Bomb

  • Korean War Armistice

  • Brown vs. Board of Education ends school segregation

  • Rosa Parks arrested; Emmett Till murdered

  • Bus Boycott successful; Interstate Highways Built; Elvis becomes popular

  • Soviets first in Space with Sputnik I

  • NASA Formed

  • JFK Elected; Greensboro sit-ins; SNCC founded

  • Failed Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba

  • Cuban Missile Crisis

  • March on Washington "I Have a Dream Speech"; JFK Assassinated

  • The Civil Rights Bill Passed; LBJ Elected

  • Malcom X Assassinated; Selma Marches; The Voting Rights Bill Passed

  • Black Panther Party formed; NOW founded

  • Summer of Love, San Francisco

  • Nixon Elected; Tet Offensive in Vietnam; MLK Jr. Assassinated

  • Woodstock Concert; Stonewall Riots; Man on the Moon

  • Kent State Shootings

  • Nixon Re-elected; Nixon visits China; Watergate scandal begins; Title IX prohibits sex discrimination in schools

  • Roe vs. Wade legalizes abortion; US withdraws from Vietnam; Arab Oil Embargo cause gas prices to soar in US

  • Nixon faced with Impeachment, Resigns, Ford becomes president and pardons Nixon

  • Vietnam War Ends

  • Carter Elected

  • Harvey Milk Assassinated

  • Iran Hostage Crisis

  • Reagan Elected; Beginning of HIV epidemic in US

  • Reagan Re-Elected

  • Scandal of Iran Contra Affair breaks

  • Bush Sr. Elected

  • End of the Cold War, Fall of Soviet Union