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US History

  • Glass Steagall Banking Act

    Glass Steagall Banking Act
    Separates commercial banking from investment banking. In today’s world people still go to banks so this is important and still runs today
  • Agricultural Adjustment Administration

     Agricultural Adjustment Administration
    Would pay farmers not to raise certain livestock, grow certain crops, and produce dairy products. This might not still be used today but back then this really helped farmers all around the world
  • Farm Credit Association

    Farm Credit Association
    Helped farmers refinance their mortgages. In today’s world people still farm and this helps still today
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
    Provides government insurance for bank deposits. This is still used today and has helped many people
  • Federal Housing Administration

    Federal Housing Administration
    Provides mortgage insurance on loans. This is still very important today and many people buy houses
  • Security and Exchange Commission

    Security and Exchange Commission
    Created to regulate the stock market and stop fraud. It is still used today I think to still help our economy and it helped our economy during a rough time
  • National Labor Relations Board

    National Labor Relations Board
    Protects the rights of employees and employers. In today’s world this is probably still used and very helpful for everyone in the workforce
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    Provide some financial security for older Americans, unemployed workers and others. This is still very important in today’s world and it helps people who really need it