US history

  • French and Indian war

    French and Indian war
    it started in 1754 and ended in 1763
  • The proclomation of 1753

    The proclomation of 1753
    it started in 1753 and it was for a revolt of Americans
  • the sugar act

    the sugar act
    The reason for the sugar act is because they were smuggling sugar and other stuff to trade
  • The stamp act

    The stamp act
    the stamp act to help british troops to be stay stations
  • townshed acts

    townshed acts
    the purpous of the townshed acts was to tax imported goods from america
  • boston massacar

    boston massacar
    the boston massacar started because of a patriot mob attacked the brittish
  • the tea act

    the tea act
    the tea act was to a law to ship tea to north America.
  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    at the boston tea party 342 chests of tea were dumped into the ocean
  • intolarable acts

    intolarable acts
    the britsh parlement passed this law after the boston tea party had happend
  • 1st Continental Congress

    1st Continental Congress
    this happened because of the intolerable acts