US History

  • French and Indian war

    French and Indian war
    Started in and 1754 and ended 1763. This was an ongoing battle between the French and British to see who would control the eastern North America. in 1759 The British won a battle that would give them control of the Norther states we have today.
  • Industrial Revolution 1760- 1840

    Industrial Revolution 1760- 1840
    This was the transition of handmade goods to machine made products. This was the start of heavily ready product at a cheaper cost and a fasten rate.
  • Factories 1760-1840

    Factories 1760-1840
    With the start of the Industrial revolution factories would be they way everything was made. Factories made mass production possible in the U.S. during this time period.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    on December 16th a group of colonial patriots dumped tea crates off of ships in Boston harbor. This was in protest to the British tea tax.
  • American Revolution 1775-1783

    American Revolution 1775-1783
    This was the war Between the 13 Colonies and Great Britain. The colonies felt like they were not being treated as the should and it was time to fight back and become their own country.
  • Constitution 1777 and 1787

    Constitution 1777 and 1787
    In 1777 the Continental congress would adopt the Articles of Confederation. This would become the first Constitution of the U.S. In 1787 12 delegates meet and draft the final constitution.
  • Lewis and Clark

    Lewis and Clark
    In 1804 Lewis and Clark left for St. Louis, Mo. The left for an expedition to explore the west and to find a way to the Pacific Ocean.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    This was an effort to keep balance between free states and slave states. Maine would become a free state so Missouri could be a slave state and keep balance.
  • Manifest Destiny July- August 1845

    Manifest Destiny  July- August 1845
    Manifest Destiny was the start of the expansion of the United states. This was the start of western settlement, Native American removal and the war against Mexico.
  • Bleeding Kansas 1854-1861

    Bleeding Kansas 1854-1861
    Also know as Border war, This was a series of violent confrontation between slave states and free states. The fight was to win Kansas to be a free state or slave state help either the north or south with voting power.
  • Civil war 1861-1865

    Civil war 1861-1865
    This was a war based on slavery. The southern slave states would fight the northern free states and the expansion of slavery into western states. After years of fights and many lives lost the North would win, getting rid of slavery in the U.S.
  • Reconstruction 1865-1877

    Reconstruction 1865-1877
    With the Union winning the Civil war, this gave some 4 million slaves freedom. The process of rebuilding the south would help the freed slaves learn to live a life on their own.
  • Lincoln is assassinated

    Lincoln is assassinated
    President Lincoln would be murdered by John Wilkes Booth. He was shot and killed at fords theater. It was over the southern loss of slavery.