US History A Week 2

  • Missouri Compromise

    -A United States Federal statute
    -It was important because it regulated slavery in the country's western territories
  • Monroe Doctrine

    -A Principle of US policy
    -It was important because it stated that any intervention by external powers about the US is considered a hostile act against the US
  • Battle of the Alamo

    -A battle during the Texas Revolution
    -Led to Texas beating Mexico in the Revolution
  • Panic of 1837

    -Financial Crisis in the US
    -Important because it was a very low dark time that had lots of unemployment and chaos
  • Trail of Tears

    -Indian Removal Policy
    -Important because it marks a devastating and historical time for the Cherokee Indians
  • Pre-Emption Act

    -A Federal law
    -It proceeded the sale of public land and to grant rights to individuals
  • Sutter's Fort

    -Agricultural and trade colony
    -Discovered gold here
  • US - Mexican War

    -Armed conflict between the US and Mexico from 1846-1848
    -Mexican government sponsored American migration
  • Bear Flag Revolt

    -American settlers rebelled against Mexican government
    -California became independent republic
  • Compromise of 1850

    -Five separate bills passed by Congress
    -Started a four year political confrontation between slave and free states
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    -A compromise for southern slave-holding and northern free-soilers
    -Heightened northern fears of a slave power conspiracy
  • Gadsden Purchase

    -Region purchased by US
    -The last purchase made by US to expand US territory
  • Bleeding Kansas

    -A series of violent political confrontations in the US involving slaves
    -Brought conflict all over the country about slavery and presaged the Civil War
  • Dred Scott Decision

    -Supreme Court Case
    -Granted the right of slave owners to take their slaves into the Western territories
  • Harper's Ferry

    -West Virginia
    -John Brown's raid happened here
  • South Carolina

    -First state to secede during the Civil War
    -Left Union to become a new nation called the Confederate States of America
  • Mississippi

    -Mississippi seceded from the Union
    -The second state to secede
  • Florida

    -Florida seceded from the Union
    -Became one if the six states to leave the Union
  • Alabama

    -Alabama seceded from the Union
    -Provided a significant source of troops and leaders, military material, supplies, food, horses,etc. for the Confederate States
  • Louisiana

    -Louisiana seceded from the US
    -Joined the Confederate state and the last state to secede
  • Texas

    -Texas seceded from the Union
    -Sovereign state for nine years
  • Georgia

    -Georgia Seceded from the US
    -Created a new constitution for Georgia
  • Civil War

    -Civil war in the US from 1861-1865
    -Formed the Confederate States of America
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    -Presidential Proclamation and executive order by President Abraham Lincoln
    -Declared all slaves free in the South
  • Gettysburg

    -Battle here between Union and Confederate forces
    -The war's turning point
  • Gettysburg Address

    -President Abraham Lincoln's speech during the civil war
    -One the greatest and most influential speeches as it discussed human equality
  • 13th Amendment

    -Ammendment apart of the Constitution that abolished slavery and involuntary servitude
    -The start of many things as slavery wasn't in the question anymore
  • 14th Amendment

    -Citizenship to all people born or naturalized in the US
    -Forbides state from denying citizens life, liberty, or property
  • 15th Amendment

    -Granted African American males the right to vote
    -Citizenship and voting/other rights were given to African Americans