US History

By Othniel
  • Period: to

    US History

  • Last of the Thirteen Colonies Founded

    Last of the Thirteen Colonies Founded
    A charter was giving to James Oglethorpe for the colonization of Georgia
  • Signing of the Declaration of Independence

    Signing of the Declaration of Independence
    American Colonist sign the DOI in order to create a list of grievences against England. Call to war of the colonists
  • First Presidency of the United States of America

    First Presidency of the United States of America
    George Washington's inauguration was held and the first president of America was sworn in.
  • Manifest Destiny Achieved

    Manifest Destiny Achieved
    The Gadsden Purchase had been transacted and America streched from sea to shining sea
  • Civil War Starts

    Civil War Starts
    Confederate troops begin attack on Fort Sumter. 34 hours later the fort is taken capture and the war had begun