Waldrip- American Revolution

  • French and Indian War

    Great Britain gained a large amount of territorial gains in North America. Ended when the treaty of paris was signed in 1763.Having to pay the wars taxes led them into a colonial discontent which led to the American Revolution.
  • Treaty of 1763

    Also known as the treaty of paris which was signed in 1763 by the kingdoms of Great Britain. Once the treaty was signed it gave up all of France's territories in mainland North America.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The proclamation was issued by King George lll. It was signed and put into place at the end of the French and Indian war. The treaty forbid all settlement west of the lie drawn through the Appalachian mountains.
  • Stamp Act

    The stamp act was a parliament of great britain which gave the british colonies in america a tax. All paper that was printed must have a revenue stamp located on the printed papers. The stamp act led to many boycotts to british goods and caused attacks on the tax collectors.
  • Boston Massacre

    The massacre was a confrontation between the british troops and the patriots. The soldiers shot and killed many of the patriots as they protested. The massacre was heavily publicized By leading patriots such and Paul Revere.The patriots protested because they felt like the taxation on their goods were unfair.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The tea party was a political protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston. The American colonist were angry with the british so they dumped 342 chest of tea that was imported from the british into the harbor. The Americans were made because the british placed the "Taxation without representation". The Boston tea party help lead up to the Revolutionary war.
  • Intolerable Acts

    The intolerable acts were laws passed by the British Parliament after the Boston tea party took place. The laws were passed towards the Massachusetts colonist to punish them for their defiance in the tea party protest. Five laws were found in the intolerable acts.
  • Battles Of Lexington And Concord

    First battles in the American Revolutionary war. The battles were between great britain and the american colonies. Troops marched from boston to concord. The saying "A shot heard around the world" came from the battles of lexington and concord.
  • Battle Of Bunker Hill

    The battle was fought during the siege of Boston and in the early stages of the American Revolution. At the end of the battle there were many casualties including patriots having over 200 killed and over 800 wounded. At the end the territorial change was the british ended up capturing charlestown Peninsula.
  • Publication of Common Sense

    Common sense was a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1776 advocating independence from great britain to people of the thirteen colonies. Paine tried to encourage people in colonies to fight for their egalitarian government. at the start of the american revolution it was published anonymously and became an immediate sensation.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence summarized the 13 American colonies motivations for seeking independence. It had three major points which were: Have rights including liberty and pursuit of happiness. All men are created equal. Defend the rights for themselves and others. John Hancock was the first person to officially sign the declaration of independence.
  • Battle of Trenton

    This bate was not near as big as the other battles but still made an impact on the war. The battle ended up taking place in Trenton New Jersey. The Americans ended up winning the battle of trenton also. The Hessian army ended up being crushed in Washington's raid across the Delaware river.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    This battle ended up occuring during the second year or the American Revolution. The battle included two different battles that took around eighteen days to complete. The Continental Army ended up winning which then caused large turning point in the Revolutionary War.
  • Valley Forge

    During the time general George Washington was the commander during Valley Forge. At the end it led to people of the congress wanting to replace washington because they thought that he was incompetent. During valley forge there was a shortage in everything including clothing to medicine. The conditions were very bad and many men ended up dying from diseases.
  • Battle of Cowpens

    The two sides of the battle were the united states fighting against great britain at the end the americans ended up winning.The battle was fought in south carolina near the town of cowpens. Many casualties were created during the battle which led to the british could not replace and eventually led to cornwallis surrender at Yorktown.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    The battle had many different names one which was the surrender at yorktown. A main part of this battle was when a major british army became entrapped at yorktown and forced the british to surrender. The battle of Yorktown was the important because it was the battle that marked the end of the American Revolution and the start of a new nation's independence.
  • Treaty of Paris 1783

    The treaty was signed by King George III of Great Britain and representatives of the United States of America. The treaty officially marking the end of the American Revolution. The treaty granted and recognised the U.S independence and granted the U.S western territory.