US history

  • Declaration of Independence

    • announced the colonies’ freedom from British rule and set forth the founding principles of the United States of America including : “all men are created equal”,unalienable rights; government derives its power from the consent of the governed
  • United States Constitution

    • defines a framework for the country’s law and order. The Constitution is the supreme law enforcer of the United States
  • Bill of Rights

    • was created to protect individual rights including economic rights related to property, political rights related to freedom of speech and press, and personal . The BOR exists as the first 10 amendments to the U,S. Constitution
  • 13th amendment

    • abolishes slavery
  • United States purchased Alaska

    U.s. purchase Alaska from Russia (becomes 49th state in 1959)
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    • sitting Bull and crazy horse lead Sioux to crushing victory of general George Custer
  • Telephone invented by Alexander Graham Bell

    Invents the telephone
  • Plessy vs Ferguson

    • ‘Separate but Equal ‘ is constitutional (overturned by Brown vs.Board of Education in 1954)
  • Spanish - American War

    Teddy Roosevelt leads Rough Riders, U.S. crushes Spain’s Navy
  • Henry Ford introduces the Model T

    • introduces the Model T car, assembly lines introduced
  • World War I begins in Europe

    • bloodiest war in world history to date, aka “The Great War” , “ The War to End all Wars
  • Selective service act

    • establishes the draft
  • Harlem Renaissance

    • was the name given to the cultural, social, and artistic explosion that took place in Harlem between the end of WWI and the middle of the 1930s
  • Stock Market Crash - “ Black Tuesday “

    • launches a Great Depression
  • Dust Bowl

    • severe dust storms that greatly damaged the ecology and agriculture of the Us and Canadian prairies which lasted about 1930 to 1940
  • FDR (Franklin Delano Roosevelt)elected President