Period: 1492 to
US History VHS Summer- Morpeau
This timeline represents major events and themes for the summer course of US History from 1492-1877 -
Original Inhabitants of the land
The first people on the land were Native american tribes. Pre 1607 http://www.ushistory.org/us/1a.asp -
The Legal Establishment of Slavery
Virginia became the first British colony to legalize slavery. Other colonies were soon to follow, and then the legal establishment passed condemning all Africans and their children to a lifetime sentence of slavery. -
Revolutionary War
The war that would bring independence to the American from England and its tyranny. Fought by America, France, and Great Britain. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjjjIrD9sjjAhVqUt8KHVf3DW4QjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.npr.org%2F2012%2F09%2F01%2F160252223%2Ffollowing-the-footnotes-of-the-revolutionary-war&psig=AOvVaw2fxmzGrAq0htqezRFVBvc0&ust=1563898598580998 -
The Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence was declared July 2nd, approved by congress July 4th, and signed August 2 of 1776.
https://brewminate.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Declaration02.jpg -
The compilation of both federal and state governing.
https://www.readersbuzz.com/the-concept-of-cooperative-federalism/ -
George Washington
Washington played a major role in the construction of our nation. Served as a general in the war and then as president in our government. -
Underground Railroad
Harriet Tubman, originally a slave herself, escaped and created what we know now as the underground railroad. A movement that went on to free hundreds of African men, women, and children.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harriet_Tubman#/media/File:Harriet_Tubman_by_Squyer,_NPG,_c1885.jpg -
Jeffersonian Era
The election of president Jefferson began the Virginian era for presidency and broke the cycle of federalist in office.
https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Thomas_Jefferson#/media/File:02_Thomas_Jefferson_3x4.jpg -
The War of 1812
Fueled by renewed tension with the Native tribes and Britain, and a growing hunger to expand westward the U.S went to war and survived yet again.
https://www.britannica.com/event/War-of-1812 -
Westward Expansion
The American belief that they were manifesting the destiny of God by moving expansion of the U.S westward. https://www.ilibrarian.net/history/louisiana_purchase_map_lg.jpg -
Civil War
Most destructive and unproductive war fought by Americans against other Americans. Killing thousands.