Roe v. Wade
Roe v. Wade was a land mark decision made by the Supreme Court that gave woman the right to abort their children without excessive government restriction. This prompted a huge on going debate about how far the restrictions on abortion go.
Wikipedia -
Y2K Scare(Millennium Bug)
People were scared that on January 1st, 2000, that computers would die because computers showed the year as the last two numbers, and they were afraid the computer would see it as 1900 not 2000 and everything would break down. Luckily, companies saw this early enough that they were able to change the code in time. Wikipedia -
The Day I Was Born
I was born on March 8th, 2006. Nothing really special happened when I was born, but a couple days after, I was put into the ER because I was turning blue. They never figured out what was happening to me. -
2008 Market Crash
The stock market crashed and the US lost a lot of money because of multiple reasons. Firstly the banks started hoarding the money because people started taking a lot of money. This caused peoples credit to freeze and they couldn't use it. Then the stock market crashed because everyone needed fast cash at the same time. Finally, the government made the $700 billion bailout for toxic loans, but this just put more pressure on the banks. (https://bit.ly/2wH5vLe) -
First Time to Play Violin
On August 21st, 2017, I played my violin for the first time. It was so much fun. I loved the sound it made and that I was making it. One of the funny things about it though was that it was a quarter size violin, so it was super small compared to me. -
First Day of Umpiring
I was really scared to umpire for the first time. I was scared that I would forget all the rules, and I would forget where to go, but I was just fine, and the coaches even thanked me afterwards. This just goes to show that even though somethings are hard, you can do it. I am now a State Level Official, which is the second highest level you can be. -
First Day of UVU PREP
On June 5th, 2018, I went to the first day of UVU PREP. UVU PREP is a summer course that offers college level courses to 7th, 8th, and 9th grade students. It is fun, especially because my friend also got in. I learned so much that first year, and I know I will continue to next year. I am in the bottom left corner, right under Astrid Tuminez's arm in the front row. -
First Day of 8th Grade
I felt like I was not ready for 8th grade the night before. I had loved my summer vacation and didn't want it to end. I had loved going to UVU PREP. When I got to school that day, I realized that it was going to be super easy.