Palmer Raids begin
League of nations formed
Steel Strike begins
First radio broadcast
19th Ammendment ratified
Women get the right to vote -
First World Series broadcast
Woodrow Wilson Died
Charles Lindberg completes first solo transatlantic flight
Mickey Mouse first appears
Star Spangled Banner becomes official national anthem
Empire State building completed
Al Capone gets convicted for tax evasion
Lindberg's baby kidnapped
FDR becomes president
Assassination attempt on FDR
Prohibition ends in the United States
Bonnie and Clyde killed by police
Hindenburg Disaster
World War 2 begins
Truman orders devlopment of the Hydrogen Bomb
Korean War begins
Julius and ethel rosenburg executed
Korean War ends
First atomic submarine launched
First mass vaccination for polio in children
Brown v board of education decided
West Germany becomes a soverign state
Little rock nine
*Batista Resigns and fleas
*Cuban President