us history 2

  • war begins

    war begins
    This is the day that World War I officially began when Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
  • World War I

    Germany declares war on Russia
  • Germany and Russia

    Germany and Russia
    Germany declares war on Russia
  • Germany and France

    Germany and France
    Germany invades Belgium and declares war on France
  • British

    The British now declare war on Germany
  • The battle of the Frontiers

    The battle of the Frontiers
    27,000 French soldiers died trying to cross toward German borders
  • Turkey

    Turkey enters the war and sides with the Germans
  • The Lusitania

    The Lusitania
    At this time America was neutral in the war. The Lusitania set sail from the New York port carrying American civilians and crew members, when they reached the Irish coast the captain was neverous of why there were no other ships in site. Thats when the first torpedo was fired by a German U-Boat which sank the ship in 18 minutes drownding 1,153 passangers and crew members.
  • Italy

    Italy declares war on Austria and Germany
  • Battle of Verdon

    Battle of Verdon
    The longest battle of the entire war
  • Battle of Jutland

    Battle of Jutland
    Considered to be the only major naval battle of the whole entire war. The Germany navy lost and they never positioned themselves to go to war at sea during the rest of the war.
  • USA

    The United States enters the war by declaring war on Germany after the sinking of the Lusitania
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    This was the treay signed between both Russia and Germany
  • Germany

    On October 4th Germany asks the allies for an armistice
  • Germany's navy

    Germany's navy mutinied
  • Turkey

    Turkey made peace followed by Austria making peace on November 3rd.
  • Turkey

    Turkey made peace with the Allies and the Italians captured Vittorio Veneto.
  • Austria and Italy

    Austria-Hungary signed an armistice with Italy. A mutiny occurred within the High Seas Fleet based at Kiel this generally seen as the cause of the German Revolution.
  • Armistice

    Germany signed an armistice with the allies and this was the official date of the end of World War I
  • Treaty of Versailles (peace settlement)

    Signed between Germany and the allies.
    *Britain 750,000 solidiers killed *France 1,400,000
    *Beligium 50,000 *Italy 600,000 * Russia 1,700,000
    *America 116,000 *Germany 2,000,000 *Austria 1,200,000
    *Turkey 325,000 *Bulgaria 100,000
  • Peace conference

    Peace conference
    Following the end of the war a peace conference was held at Paris.
  • Period: to

    Sacco and Vanzetti

    On May 5th Sacco and Vanzetti are arrested for robbery and murder. On the 23rd of august they were still claiming innocence executed in the electric chair.
  • Right to vote

    Right to vote
    On this day the 19th amendment grants universal womens suffrage. Women now have the right to vote.
  • KDKA

    Station KDKA in Pittsburgh PA initiates regular radio broadcasts and is the first station to do so
  • Einstein

    Albert Einstein lectures in New York City about his theory of relativity
  • Quota

    The United States Congress established the Emergency Quota Act limiting the amount of incoming immigrants
  • Period: to

    Miss America Pageant

    The first Miss America pageant is held in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Margaret Gorman wins the title of the Golden Mermaid trophy and later named Miss America
  • Teapot Dome scandal

    Teapot Dome scandal
    Begins when the U.S. Secretary of Interior leases the Teapot Oil Reserves in Wyoming
  • Lincoln Memorial

    Lincoln Memorial
    The Lincoln Memorial is dedicated in Washington D.C and located on the opposite end of the National Mall from the Capitol
  • Time magazine

    Time magazine
    First published Time magazine
  • Harding and Coolidge

    Harding and Coolidge
    President Harding dies of an embolism after she had suffered ptomaine poisoning then the pneumonia. Coolidge was sworn in the next day on 3 August.
  • Winter Olympics

    Winter Olympics
    The first Winter Olympic Games are held in the French Alps in Chamonix
  • Grand Ole Opry

    Grand Ole Opry
    The Grand Ole Opry transmits its very first radio broadcast
  • North Pole and back

    North Pole and back
    The first flight to the North Pole and back is accomplished when pilot Floyd Bennett and Richard Evelyn Byrd as his navigator, guided a three engine monoplane. They were awarded the Medal of Honor
  • Period: to

    Mississippi Flood

    The Great Mississippi Flood occurs and in resultaffects 700,000
  • Jazz Singer

    Jazz Singer
    Silent movies come to an end as Jazz Singer, Al Jolson starring Broadway debuts as the "first" talking picture.
  • Period: to

    Ford Model A

    The Ford Model A, successor to the Model T is produced under secrecy and production lines are shut down and retooled to produce it. On the 2 of December the car goes on sale and by 1929 1.5 million cars had been sold.
  • St. Francis Dam

    St. Francis Dam
    The two-year-old St. Francis Dam gives way in California killing more than 500 people.
  • The St. Valentine's Day massacre

    The St. Valentine's Day massacre
    Six gangsters from the "bugs" a mob and one other man are gunned dow in a garage in Chicago
  • Period: to

    Black Thursday

    The stock market on Wallstreet in New York had crashed and marked the begining of the Great Depression.
  • London Naval conference

    London Naval conference
    Disarmament treaty was signed by Britain,Japan,France,Italy,and the United States
  • Hawley Smoot tariff act

    Hawley Smoot tariff act
    President Hoover signs the act, and its rate hikes slash world trade threatening depression
  • Star Spangled Banner

    Star Spangled Banner
    Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner and President Hoover and congress approved it as the national anthem
  • Empire State Building

    Empire State Building
    The Empire state building opens it was the tallest building in the world standing 1,250 feet tall it was an icon of NY and a symbol of the 20th century of man trying to achieve the impossible
  • Al Capone (Guilty)

    Al Capone (Guilty)
    Al Capone was found guilty of Income tax evasion
  • Al Capone Sentenced

    Al Capone was sentenced to 11 years in federal prission and order to pay 215,000 dollars back in back taxes and was fined 50,000 dollars
  • Lindbergh baby kidnapping

    Lindbergh baby kidnapping
    The son of Charles Lindbergh was kiddnapped because people thought Charles was wealthy and when he couldn't pay the kidnapper his son suffered and was found May 12th not far from home.
  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    On this day Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany and gets dictorial powers.
  • Nazi concentration camp

    51 days after Hitler took power the first nazi concentration camp was established.
  • Bonnie and Clyde

    Bonnie and Clyde
    Bonnie Parkers husband was serving time for murder and she met Clyde Barrow when he was serving time for robbery she helped him escape and he was sent back when caught when he was out on paroll he met up with bonnie and lived a life of crime together they killed 13 people and on this day the police found them and killed them
  • Lindbergh baby killer

    Lindbergh baby killer
    Three years after the crime was committed, Bruno Hauptmann was found guilty of the crime of the kidnapping and killing of the Lindbergh baby.
  • Babe Ruth

    Babe Ruth
    Babe Ruth (greatest hitter in the history of baseball) retires from the major league he was indeucted into the Baseball hall of frame in 1939
  • Summer olympics

    Summer olympics
    Held in Berlin, Germany where Hitler was watched carefully under a close eye
  • Baseball Hall of Fame

    Baseball Hall of Fame
    Opens in Cooperstown New York home of one of Baseballs founders Abner Doubleday
  • World War II

    World War II
    The US declares neutrality in European war after Germany invades Poland beginning World War II