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U.S. History 1910-1919

  • Period: to

    U.S. History

  • Boy Scouts of America was formed.

    Boy Scouts of America was formed.
    The great Boy Scouts of America was formed! The Boy Scouts of America is currently 103 years old!
  • Mona Lisa stolen.

    Mona Lisa stolen.
    This doesn't have to do with U.S. history but this is a cool fact. The Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre Museum in Paris. It took over two years to find - the thief was a former Louvre guard who tried to sell it to someone, who then tried to get it authenticated. It is the most expensive paintng in the world.
  • Woodrow Wilson was elected president.

    Woodrow Wilson was elected president.
    The first election of a Democratic candidate, since 1892 was Woodrow Wilson.
  • Tango dancing was discovered, which led to new fashion statments.

    Tango dancing was discovered, which led to new fashion statments.
    Tango was discovered, which led to shorter skirts and lipstick; short skirts where banned in some American cities as too risque!
  • New clothing sprouted up everywhere.

    New clothing sprouted up everywhere.
    New fads, fashions, colors, and fabrics rocked the clothing industry.
  • The first moving assembly line is introduced.

    The first moving assembly line is introduced.
    A break through in motor car making. Henry Ford built the first assembly line and was used for mass production by the Ford Motor Company.
  • The first telephone call was made.

    The first telephone call was made.
    Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas A. Watson conduct the first telephone conversation between New York and San Francisco.
  • Woodrow Wilson was re-elected.

    Woodrow Wilson was re-elected.
    Wilson won his second term as U.S. President.
  • U.S enters World War I.

    U.S enters World War I.
    The Untied States of America joined WWI, after the war had been going on for a few years. This was the start of the Great Depression.
  • The first mail to be transported by air!

    The first mail to be transported by air!
    In 1918, the first mail delivered by plane was shipped between Washington, Philadelphia, and New York.
  • World War I ends!

     World War I ends!
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed in order to end WWI.
  • Women can now vote.

    Women can now vote.
    In 1919, the 19th Amendment is passed, stating that women now have the right to vote.