U-boats created
The purpose to punch holes in the British blockade, which was threatening to starve Germany out of the war -
Bessemer Process
The first inexpensive industrial process for the mass production of steel from molten pig iron. -
Discovery of Gold in Pikes Peak
The Discovery of Gold in Pikes Peak was the boom in gold and mining in Pike's Peak Country of Western Kansas Territory and Southwestern Nebraska Territory of the United States. -
Homestead Act
The Homestead Act provided any adult citizen or intended citizen who had never borne arms against the U.S. government could claim 160 acres of surveyed government land. -
Morrill Land grant act
Morrill Land Grant Act set aside federal lands in able to create colleges to "benefit the agriculture and mechanical arts" -
Transcontinental rr completed
The purpose of the Transcontinental rr was to revolutionize travel, connecting areas of the Western United States with the East. -
Battle of little bighorn
The battle was for a momentary victory for the Lakota and Cheyenne. -
Farmers alliance created
The reason for this was to form cooperatives. -
Thomas edison invents light bulb
Thomas built a lightbulb that allowed us to have light in rooms, lamps, and ceiling lights. -
Carlisle school established
The purpose of this school was to "kill the Indian" and "save the Man" and make all the people speak English no matter what. -
Chinese exclusion act
It was a law that banned Chinese immigrants for 10 years and prevented Chinese already in the country from becoming citizens. -
Edison lights up NYC
Edison flipped the switch on his Pearl Street power station -
American federation of labor founded
Advocate strengthing Social security and private pensions, ensure fair tax policies, and make high-quality, affordable healthcare available to all. -
Interstate commerce act passed
It made the railroads the first industry subject to federal regulation. -
Dawes act
The purpose of the Dawes act was to create divisions among Native Americans and eliminate the social cohesion of tribes. -
Jacob Riis published his book of photos
He wanted to show how to alleviate the poor living conditions of poor people by exposing their conditions to the middle and upper classes. -
Alfred T Mahan writes his book on sea power
sought to arouse his fellow Americans to a realization of their maritime responsibilities. -
Wounded knee massacre
US soldiers killed over 300 unarmed Sioux women and children and elders -
Sherman ant-trust act passed
It authorized the federal government to institute proceedings against trust order to dissolve them -
Fredrick Jackson Turner writes essay of settling the west
after the Superintendent of the Census of 1890 declared that the American frontier had been settled and additional land was no longer available -
Pullman strike
The purpose of this was to respond to layoffs, wage cuts, and firings. -
Plessy v Ferguson
upheld Louisiana state law that allowed for "equal but separate accommodations for the white and colored races." -
Holden v hardy
Holden argued that the Utah law restricted his constitutional rights, as well as those of his employees, to make contracts -
Spanish American War begins
America's support the ongoing struggle by Cubans and Filipinos against Spanish rule, and the mysterious explosion of the battleship U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor -
Hawaii is annexed
was achieved due to the perceived threat of the Japanese invasion. -
Phillipines islands are annexed
Americans who advocated annexation evinced a variety of motivations desire for commercial opportunities in Asia, concern that the Filipinos were incapable of self-rule, and fear that if the United States did not take control of the islands, another power might do so. -
Newlands Reclamation act
Some progressives sought to transform the arid West into productive farmland by harnessing rivers for irrigation. -
Panama Canal is built
wanted to ship goods quickly and cheaply between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. -
Lochner v New York
Lochner was accused of permitting an employee to work more than 60 hours in one week. -
Sinclair’s the Jungle written
expose the appalling working conditions in the meat-packing industry -
Hepner act
expanded the jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce Commission and gave it the power to set maximum railroad rates. -
Pure Food and drug act passed
public outrage prompted Congress to establish federal responsibility for public health and welfare. -
Muller V Oregon
Oregon enacted a law that limited women to ten hours of work in factories and laundries -
Founding of the NAACP
a deadly race riot rocked the city of Springfield, eruptions of anti-black violence, and particularly lynching. -
17th adm
The Constitution by allowing voters to cast direct votes for U.S. senators. -
Ford Motor company's first full assembly line starts
Ford realized he'd need a more efficient way to produce the car in order to lower the price -
Federal Reserve act
A particularly severe panic in 1907 resulted in bank runs that wreaked havoc on the fragile banking system -
Beginning of the first world war
It began after the assassination of Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand by South Slav nationalist Gavrilo Princip -
Clayton Antitrust act
Intended to strengthen earlier antitrust legislation -
Lusitania Sunk
An explosion caused the sinking. -
US enters WWI
Germany's resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships -
Selective Service act
authorized the Federal Government to temporarily expand the military through conscription. -
WWI ends
Chancellor Friedrich Ebert asked the Allies for an armistice. Finally, the fighting was over. -
WWI ends
Chancellor Friedrich Ebert asked the Allies for an armistice. Finally, the fighting was over. -
WWI ends
Chancellor Friedrich Ebert asked the Allies for an armistice. Finally, the fighting was over. -
18th adm
as a result of roughly a century of reform movements -
19 adm
women were denied many basic rights granted to their male counterparts -
Immigration quota act
fears surrounding the increasing number of immigrants that entered the United States in the early 20th century -
National origins act
to control both the quantity and quality of U.S. immigrants in an effort to prevent further erosion of the ethnic composi- tion of U.S. society. -
Statue of Liberty built
The Statue of Liberty was built as a symbol of freedom. -
Scopes trial
accused of violating Tennessee's Butler Act