U-boats created
Britain effectively blocked German ports to supplies. -
Bessemer Process
a process of making steel from molten pig iron. -
Discovery of Gold in Pikes Peak
gold discovery -
Homestead Act
To help develop american west and spur economic growth
(granted adult heads of families 160 acres of land for a small filing fee and five years living on it). -
Morrill Land Grant Act
The act which set aside federal lands to create colleges "benefit the agricultural and mechanical arts." -
Transcontinental r/r completed
Built rail roads. -
Battle of little bighorn
a momentarily victory for the Lakota and Cheyenne -
Farmers alliance created
Main goal was to form cooperatives. -
Carlisle school established
Founded Indian industrial school -
Thomas Edison invents light bulb
invention of light-bulb one of Americas biggest accomplishments. -
Edison lights up NYC
flipped the switch on Thomasons pear street power station. -
Chinese Exclusion act
The first significant law turning away immigration into the united states. -
interstate commerce act passed
created interstate commerce commission to oversee the conduct of the railroad industry -
Dawes Act
Authorized the president to break up reservation land owned by tribes. -
Alfred T Mahan writes his book on sea power
studied the rise and fall of naval powers. -
Jacob Riis published his book of photos
showed the slum conditions in new york. -
Sherman ant-trust act passed
authorized federal government to institute proceeding against trusts in order to dissolve them. -
Wounded knee massacre
the slaughter of indians by united states troops. -
Fredrick Jackson Turner writes essay of settling the west
fredrick jackson turners essay which told his story. -
Pullman strike
Strike broke out at the Pullman factories -
Spanish American War begins
The united states declared war against Spain -
Plessy v Ferguson
Helped set laws on equal rights. -
Holden v hardy
US labor law put limitations on working time for miners and smelters as constitutional -
Hawaii is annexed
Hawaii became a U.S. territory -
Phillipines islands are annexed
United States paid Spain 20 million to annex the entire Philippine archipelago. -
Newlands Reclamation act
authorized the secretary of the interior to designate irrigation sites as well as establish a reclamation fun. -
Panama Canal is built
Place built for quicker ship goods and cheaply between the Atlantic and pacific coast. -
Sinclair’s the Jungle written
Exposure of conditions in Chicago stockyars -
Lochner v New York
10 hours of labor a day as the maximum in the baking trade. -
Pure Food and drug act passed
got rid of the sale of mislabeled or adulterated food or drugs. -
Muller V Oregon
law which limited women to 10 hours of work in factories and laundries. -
Founding of the NAACP
Founded to help abolition of segregation, discrimination, etc. -
Hepner act
regulating insurance -
17th adm
Helped voters to be able to vote for choosing state officials. -
Ford Motor company's first full assembly line starts
Henry Ford installs the first moving assembly line -
Federal Reserve act
created the federal reserve system -
Beginning of the first world war
war broke out between countries -
Clayton Antitrust act
Prohibits any form of unethical corporation behavior. -
Lusitania Sunk
The Lusitania Sunk which contributed indirectly to the entry of the united states in WWl -
US enters WWI
Brought U.S. into the war -
Selective Service act
Requirement by law which helps in times of war -
WWI ends
Guns ceased firing at 11 m the armistice was agreed at 5:10am -
18th adm
Prohibited manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors -
19 adm
granted women the right to vote -
National origins act
control over both the quantity and quality of U.S. immigrants in effort to prevent further erosion of the ethic composition -
Immigration quota act
federal law that prevented immigration from Asia and set quotas on the number of immigrants from eastern and southern Europe -
Statue Of Liberty Built
Scopes trial
Represents dramatic clash between traditional and modern values in america of the 1920's