Bessemer Process
a process of making steel from pig iron by burning out carbon and other impurities by means of a blast of air forced through the molten metal. -
Discovery of gold in piles peak
a small placer deposit near the mouth of Little Dry Creek that yielded about 20 troy ounces (622 grams) of gold, -
Alfred T Mahan writes his book on sea power
Homestead Act
accelerated the settlement of the western territory by granting adult heads of families -
Morrill Land grant act
set aside federal lands to create colleges to “benefit the agricultural and mechanical arts. -
Farmers alliance created
Transcontinental r/r completed
Battle of little bighorn
The Battle of the Little Bighorn was fought along the ridges, steep bluffs, and ravines of the Little Bighorn River, in south-central -
Thomas edison invents light bulb
Carlisle school established
Chinese exclusion act
restricting immigration into the United States -
Edison lights up NYC
lipped the switch on his Pearl Street power station -
American federation of labor founded
Interstate commerce act passed
Dawes act
An Act to Provide for the Allotment of Lands in Severally to Indians on the Various Reservations -
U-boats created
Sherman ant-trust act passed
Jacob Riis published his book of photos
Wounded knee massacre
Fredrick Jackson Turner writes essay of settling the west
Pullman strike
widespread railroad strike and boycott that severely disrupted rail traffic in the Midwest . -
Plessy v Ferguson
pheld a Louisiana state law that allowed for "equal but separate accommodations for the white and colored races." -
Holden v hardy
Spanish American War begins
Hawaii is annexed
Phillipines islands are annexed
Newlands Reclamation act
that funded irrigation projects for the arid lands of 20 states in the American West. -
Panama Canal is built
Sinclair’s the Jungle written
Lochner v New York
Muller V Oregon
Pure Food and drug act passed
Founding of the NAACP
Hepner act
imposes the forfeiture and liability to pay double the value of the goods received, concealed, -
17th adm
allowing voters to cast direct votes for U.S. senators -
Ford Motor company's first full assembly line starts
Federal Reserve act
Beginning of the first world war
Clayton Antitrust act
Selective Service act
US enters WWI
WWI ends
The 18th Adm
manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors -
19 adm
Immigration quota act
National origins act
Statue of Liberty built
Scopes trial