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U.S History 1770 to 1840

  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    one sore point was the competition for the jobs betwwen colonists and poorly paid soldiers who looked for extra work in local ship yards during off duty hours. also then a fight broke out over jobs. 5 people died attucks and 4 other people
  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    early in 1773 lord frederick north the british prime minister faced a new problem. the british east india company which held an official monopoly on tea imports had been hit hard by the colonial boycotts. with its warehouse bulging with 17 million pounds of tea the company was near bank ruptcy
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    known for his bread knowledge and skillfully crafted prose ,was chosen to express the committee's points
  • declaration of independence

    declaration of independence
    A declaration by the representatives of the united states of america in general congress assembled.
    when in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dusslove the politcial bands which have conncectedthem with another and to assume amoung the powers of the earththe separate and equal station to which laws of nature and of natures's god entitle them a decent respect to the opionions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the sepration
  • Aritcles of confedration

    Aritcles of confedration
    is when two federal government share powers .state government were supreme in some matters while the national government was supreme in other matters.
  • Treaty of paris

    Treaty of paris
    with the singing of the treaty all european nations recognized the united states of americans . former british subjects now possessed a new identity as free americans ,loyal to a new ideal
  • shay's rebellion

    shay's rebellion
    as the farmers protest came to be called caused panic and dismay throughout the nation . every state had debt - ridden farmers . would rebellion spread from massachusetts elsewhere?
  • three branches of governemnt

    three branches of governemnt
    legislative-is run by congress and they make the laws
    executive- branch is the president to enforce laws
    judicial- is the supreme court and they judge the laws
  • george washington becomes president and creats the cabinet

    george washington becomes president and creats the cabinet
    when he bacame presiden of the united states he was not sure on how to makee the new government work.
    to help these leaders governemnt congress made three executive departments they were the departments of state which delt with foreign affairs the department of treasury the delt withfinaces and the department of war delt with military matters they were led by henry knox thomas jefferson
  • bill of rights

    bill of rights
    congress passed the 12 amendments to the state legislatures to be ratified.
    in the year 1791 the bill of rights was passed by three out of the five states and the ninth and tenth imposed to the federal government.
    the bill was passed and it did not protect all americans. freed slaves were excluded from the proctection of the whites.