US History 1 Project by Sandra Garcia

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus's first voyage to America.

    Columbus's first voyage to America.
  • May 15, 1494

    Christopher Columbus claimed the island called Jamaica for Spain.

    Christopher Columbus claimed the island called Jamaica for Spain.
  • Humphrey Gilbert claims Newfoundland

    Humphrey Gilbert claims Newfoundland
  • New Netherlands

    New Netherlands
  • The first "General Court"

    The first "General Court"
  • Quaker

  • Charles II

    Charles II
  • Benjamin Franklin's letters

      Benjamin Franklin's letters
  • Death of John Woolman

    Death of John Woolman
  • Independence of "these United States"

    Independence of "these United States"
  • Death of Benjamin Franklin

    Death of  Benjamin Franklin
  • Lewis Henry Morgan's birth

    Lewis Henry Morgan's birth
  • Birth of Henry Joel Cadbury

    Birth of Henry Joel Cadbury
  • Foundation of Hull House

    Foundation of Hull House
  • A speech by Adelaide Hoodless

    A speech by Adelaide Hoodless
  • William Beers

    William Beers
  • First Blondie Boopadoop comic strip

     First Blondie  Boopadoop comic strip
  • Skinner's first book

    Skinner's first book