US history

  • Period: Jan 1, 1215 to

    U.S. History TAKS Timeline

  • Apr 14, 1215

    magna carta

    grants granted to nobles and freemans
  • roanoke

    the colony roanoke (the lost colony) was built in 1585, founded by Sir walter raleigh. was the first attempted colony
  • jamestown

    first permanant english colony in america
  • house of burgesses

    first representative assembely
  • mayflower compact

    103 passangers aboard the mayflower signed this to form a self government
  • Rhode island

    Rodger willians founded the province of rhode island
  • navigation acts

    british parliament passed first navigation act
  • bacons rebellion

    nathaniel bacon led planters on a rebelllion
  • pennsylvania

    william penn founded pennsylvania
  • witchcraft delusion

    anyone accused of being a witch would be killed
  • great awakening

    was a religous movement
  • poor richards almanac

    first almanac
  • zenger trial

    established freedome of speech
  • french and indian war

    started when british ocupied ft. duquesne
  • sugar act

    put a high tax on sugar
  • stamp act

    required a stamp to be put on anything that was to be mailed
  • quartering act

    required colonists to house british troops
  • townshend act

    put taxes on glass, painters lead, paper and tea
  • boston masacre

    british troops fired at colonists that were rioting at them
  • boston tea party

    colonists dressed as indians boarded english ships and dumped tea into the river
  • intolerable acts

    a punnishment for the boston masacre
  • first contenintal congress

    called for cival disobedience
  • first continental congress

    called for civil disobedience from british
  • patrick henry

    he addressed the virginia convention and said "give me librity or give me death"
  • midnight ride

    paul revere rode to warn the patriots that the british were coming
  • lexington and concord

    first battles of the revolution
  • common sense

    written by thomas paine to say that the u.s. needs to go to war
  • decleration of independence

    stated u.s.'s freedome from britian
  • battle of saratoga

    changed the direction of the war
  • articles of confederation

    adopted by contenintal congress
  • john paul jones

    defeated serapis in british north waters
  • battle of yorktown

    general cornwallis surrendered at yorktown
  • paris peace treaty

    regonised the independence of the u.s.