
U.S History

  • New France

    New France
    France was built of permant settlements of there own. The fur trade created a lot of money through out the town. France has help other cities create new twns like it.
  • The French and Indian war

    The French and Indian war
    Where allies from the begining. They didnt belive that Britian couldnt make a proper commitment to North American. The commander sent up the troops to double check what was going on.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Stamp Act happend in New York. The congress became divided between radital and moderate. William Ruggles refused to sign the Stamp Act.
  • What is america

    Living in one area, he encountered people of English, Welsh, Scots-Irish, German, French, Irish, Swedish, Native American, and African descent. At the time of the American Revolution, English citizens made up less than two thirds of the colonial population, excluding Native Americans. The promise of religious freedom, economic opportunity and freedom from war accelerated the arrival of Germans in the 1700s.
  • Committees of Correspondence

    Committees of Correspondence
    Adams knew that the residents of the seacoast towns were more informed of each crisis than those of the interior. The Virginia house stayed with them and follewed what they did. The Committees of Correspondence became the building blocks which nationalty which elped build many foundations.
  • Declaration of Independence

    On the one hand, the Declaration was a formal legal document that announced to the world the reasons that led the thirteen colonies to separate from the British Empire. The Declaration was not only legalistic, but practical too. Americans hoped to get financial or military support from other countries that were traditional enemies of the British. The Declaration's most famous sentence reads: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    While the constitution was being made and figured out . By the 1777 they had realized that they should have rules and regulation on how to do things. The purpose of sending out articles was to see other peoples out looks of things.
  • State Constitutions 1779-1783

    State Constitutions 1779-1783
    There are questions about how they should be following stricked restrictions. Other states where done with there constitutions before they where. If you where an adult man and paid taxes you where allowed to vote or even able to run office.
  • Popular Sovereighty

    Popular Sovereighty
    However simple popular sovereignty seemed, it was difficult to put into practice. His opponent, Zachary Taylor, ignored the issue of slavery altogether in his campaign, and won the election of 1848. As long as the issue was discussed theoretically, he had many supporters. In fact, to many, popular sovereignty was the perfect means to avoid the problem.
  • The Krowning of King Cotton

    The Krowning of King Cotton
    Was a huge increase in the buisness industry which helped many people get jobs. The production was very expensive the huge amount of time it take all of the seeds out of all the cotton going through. The man who had the cotton kinf was born in Mass.
  • Era of good feelings

    Era of good feelings
    The Era of good feelings, due to its one-party dominance, in fact, Democratic-Republicans were deeply divided internally and a new political system was about to be created from the old Republican-Federalist competition that had been known as the First Party System.
  • A white mans democracy

    A white mans democracy
    Immediately after the Revolution most states retained some property requirements that prevented poor people from voting. Following republican logic, citizens were believed to need an economic stake in society in order to be trusted to vote wisely. If a voter lacked economic independence, then it seemed that those who controlled his livelihood could easily manipulate his vote.
  • uneasy peace

    Even before the treaty ending the war had been ratified by the Senate, both houses of Congress became the scene of angry debate over the spoils of war. Congress represented every political philosophy regarding slavery. Legal scholars discussed the right of Congress — or anyone else — to restrict slavery from the new lands.
  • The Compromise

    The Compromise
    In his place, Stephen Douglas worked tirelessly to end the fight. On July 9, President Zachary Taylor died of food poisoning. His successor, Millard Fillmore, was much more interested in compromise. The environment for a deal was set. By September, Clay's Compromise became law.
  • The Kansas Nebraska Act

    The Kansas Nebraska Act
    By the early 1850s settlers and entrepreneurs wanted to move into the area now known as Nebraska. Just when things between the north and south were in an uneasy balance, Kansas and Nebraska opened fresh wounds. The person behind the Kansas-Nebraska Act was Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois.
  • Slave Code

    Slave Code
    Slave codes vary from each state. A slave could not be owned or put to work with out having had an owner. The slaves where not aloud to keep a gun if so caught with a gun would be wipped 39 times.
  • Presidental Reconstruction

    The views of the Vice President rarely matter too much, unless something happens to the President. ohnson believed the Southern states should decide the course that was best for them. He also felt that African-Americans were unable to manage their own lives.
  • Presidental Impeached

    Andrew Johnson became the first President to be impeached. Impeachment refers to the process specified in the Constitution for trial and removal from office of any federal official accused of misconduct. The House of Representatives charges the official with articles of impeachment. "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors" are defined as impeachable offenses. Once charged by the House, the case goes before the Senate for a trial.
  • Wilmots Proviso

    Wilmots Proviso
    For years, the arguments for and against slavery were debated in the churches and in the newspapers. The House of Representatives had passed a gag rule forbidding the discussion of slavery for much of the previous decade. The issue could no longer be avoided. Lawmakers in the House and Senate, north and south, would have to stand up and be counted.
  • Bloody Kansas

    Bloody Kansas
    At issue was power. Both sides sought to limit the governing power of the other by maintaining a balance of membership in Congress. This meant ensuring that admission of a new state where slavery was outlawed was matched by a state permitting slavery. For example, at the same time that Missouri entered the Union as a slave state, Maine entered the Union as a free state.