US Hist Preview

  • Drinking was preached sinful

    John Welsey was the founder of Methodism preached that drinking is a sinful act
  • Alcohol consumption

    7 gallons of alcohol per person
  • Massachusetts prohibits selling alcohol in small amounts

    must sell at least 15 gallons at a time
  • Major consumption of alcohol lowered

    Lowered to three gallons of alcohol a year
  • Massachusetts repeals 1838 prohibition law

    Permitted local options
  • John B. Gough took the pledge

    Started lecturing drinking and became a main orator for the movement
  • Prohibition era began

    After drinking was preached as sinful, many people voted against drinking.
  • Women get the right to vote

    the 19th amendment allowed women the right to vote
  • 46 states vote for ratification

    The 18th amendment had already been ratified but New Jersey held another post being the 46th state to ratify.
  • Herbert Hoover became president

    Didn't do much to stop the depression
  • Food riots broke out

    unemployment rate rose to 15.9%
  • Hoover signed the Revenue Act

    Higher taxes worsened the depression
  • 21 Amendment passed

    Which ended in repealing prohibition and the 18th amendment
  • Franklin Roosevelt takes office

    starts emergency banking act
  • First Soil Erosion control camps

    made by Civilian conversation corps in clayton county
  • Dust Bowl Spreads

    affecting 27 states severely
  • Black Sunday

    the worst dust storm ever
  • Roosevelt signs Taylor Grazing Act

    allowed him to take 140 acres to be carefully watched to try to undo damage
  • Government forms Drought Relief Service

    Cattle gets sent to certain areas
  • Emergency relief apropriation

    Created works progress administration to hire 8.5 million people
  • JFK wins presidency

    wins 300 electoral votes
  • JFK establishes Peace Corps

    Corps spread good will and enlist volunteers generally under the age of 30
  • JFK Assassinated

    Vice President Johnson gets sworn in
  • LBJ Declares war on poverty

    reduces unemployment increases support for education and job training public service for poor
  • Civil Rights act

    Outlaws discrimination
  • Berkeley free speech movement

    32 hour protest where students of Berkeley university surrounded cops
  • Senate Acknowledges Free Speech Movement

    Urges to support students speech
  • Voting Right Act

    abolishes literary tests and other tests used to inhibit African american voting
  • Higher Education Act

    Creates the first federally funded scholarship
  • Housing Discrimination ban

    Outlawing discrimination in house, apartment, building sales