Ho Chi Minh founds Indochinese Communist Party
-Ho Chi Minh is the leader of the party
-Under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh, it staged a number of revolts against the French, -
Japan occupies Vietnam
-It took control of Vietnam
-The later Allied defeat of Japan made Ho Chi Minh's dream of winning Vietnam's independence a reality. -
Ho Chi Minh founds Viet Minh
-the goal was to win the independence for Vietnam from foreign countries.
-The defeat of Japan made this goal possible for Ho Chi Minh. -
Viet Minh captures Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh establishes the Democratic Republic of Vietnam
-After Japan was defeated from the Allied forces
-Ho Chi Minh established this goal with the help from Vietminh. -
Eisenhower introduces domino theory (Happens in April)
-All of the communist countries will just be like the dominoes, once one of them fell, it will just kept falling on one another.
-Used to stop the spread of the communism. -
Viet Minh defeat French at Dien Bien Phu
-French could no longer retake Vietname.
-Vietminh overran the French outpost in northwestern Vietnam. -
Vietcong begin attacks on Diem government
-assassinated thousands of South Vietnamese governmetn officials.
-They got support from Ho Chi Minh. -
Ngo Dinh Diem overthrown in U.S.-backed coup
-U.S. supported military coup destroyed the Diem's regime.
-Diem was later assassinated. -
U.S. Congress passes Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
-To use military strength against Northern Vietamnese attacks against the American ships.
-With this power, President Johnson bombed North Vietnam. -
U.S. forces begin Operation Rolling Thunder bombing campaign
-First bombing of North Vietnam.
-President Johnson issued this from the power he got from Tonkin Gulf Resolution.