US Gov Timeline

  • 1215


    Began in 1215 when King John signed Magna Carta
  • 1619

    Jamestown's House of Burgesses
  • 1628

    King Charles required to sign the Petition of Right
  • 1642

    Extended conflict between Charles and Parliament errupted into civil war
  • 1685

    Renewed conflicts and rebellion between the crown and parliament
  • 1689

    William and Mary chosen to rule but had govern according to statutes of Parliament
    English Bill of Right passed
    Guaranteed free speech and protection from cruel and unusual punishment
  • Federlist paper Gazette of the United States Published

  • Dual Federalism

    Both state and national government were equal authorities operating within their own spheres of influence
  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    Established a three tiered Judical Structure
    - District courts
    Circuit courts
    supreme courts
  • 1789

    Federalist paper Gazette of the united states published
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Power of judicial review
  • McCullouch v Maryland

    power to tax is the power to destroy
  • Democratic Republician Parties split into todays two major parties

  • Gibbion v Odgen

    Power of Fed. Govt To regulate interstate commerce
    Strong Federalist
    Believed in the necessary and proper clause
  • The Marshall Court

  • Seneca Falls Convention

    First national women rights convention in the US
  • Dred Scott v Sanford

    Enslaved man sued for his and his family freedom after being taken to a free state
  • Morrill Act

    Granted large tracts of land to states : states sold land and used money for colleges
  • Wyoming Territory

    Wyoming Territory
    was the first to grant women the right to vote
  • Susan B Anthony

    refused to support the 15th amendment (equal voting rights regardless of race)
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Ended Chinese immigration to the US
  • Plessy v Ferguson

    Ruled segregation was legal as long as the facilities were equal
  • 16th Amendment

    Gave congress authority to set a federal income tax
  • 16th Amendment

    16th Amendment
    Gave congress authority to set a federal income tax
  • Radio became the first form of electronic media

    Radio became the first form of electronic media
  • Women were not guaranteed right to vote

    Women were not guaranteed right to vote
    Women were not guaranteed the right to vote until 1920
  • Native American granted citizenship

    Native American granted citizenship
  • Cooperative federalism

  • United States v Miller

    United States v Miller
    Ruled 2nd Amendment does not protect the right to have all types of weapons
  • Minnersville School District v Gobitis

    The supreme court ruled that a child could be expelled for refusing to salute the American
  • US v Darby

    Upheld Fair labor standards act
  • Executive Order 9066

    FDR required all people of Japanese descent on the West Coast to report to War Relocation Center
  • Korematsu v US

    Upheld involuntary interment of ethnically Japanese
  • National Secruity Council

  • Television replaced radio as most influential electronic media

    Television replaced radio as most influential electronic media
  • The New Deal

    The court saw Roosevelt economic legislation as an assault on property right (1930-1953)
  • Brown v Board

    Ruled segregation is illegal
    Separate is inherently unequal
  • Hispanics forced to live in segregated communities

    Overturned by Hernandez v Texas but took many years to be enforced
  • Edwards v South Carolina

    Edwards v South Carolina
    187 African - American students gathered at the state capitol to protest racial injustice
  • Equal Pay Act

    established equal pay for men and women
  • Civil Rights Act

    Outlaws discrimination based on race and color , religion , sex or national origin
  • Mirands v Arizona

    Expanded rights of people accused of crimes
  • Age Discrimination in Employment Act

    Protects applicants and employees of 40+ year old from discrimination based on age in hiring , promotion discharge , compensation privileges' etc. of employment
  • Loving v Virgina

    Struck down all state laws banning interracial marriage
  • Tinker v Des Moines

    Schools couldn't prevent students protesting the Vietnam war
  • De Jure Segregation

    De Jure Segregation
    ended in the 1970s "segregation by order of law ''
  • Equal Credit Opportunity Act

    Prohibited banks , stores and other businesses from preventing women from getting loans or credit
  • Indian Self-Determination and Education

    Indian Self-Determination and Education
    Allowed Native American Groups to control federally funded programs in their communities
  • New federalism

  • New Federalism

    Began in 1980s
    Returned some authority to state governments
    Ronald Regan believed state governemt could better provide services to the people
  • The cost of college

    Has increased twice as much as inflation since 1980
  • College Cost

    In 1980 the average cost of a four year college was 30,8000
  • Harlow v Fitzgerald

    Harlow v Fitzgerald
    Established the rationale for qualified immunity
  • Tennessee v Garner

    Limited police use of lethal force
  • Graham v Connor

    Juries must consider if the officer believed force was reasonable
  • Less than 65% of elgible voters have voted in each presidential election since 1996

  • Homeland Security

    Reorganization of agencies already in place
  • District of columbia v Heller

    District of columbia v Heller
    Ruled the 2nd Amendment protects an individual rights to keep and bear arms for self defense
  • D.C Heller

    Ruled 2nd Amendment applies to federal, state and local government upheld 2nd Amendment
  • Obergefell v Hodges

    Obergefell v Hodges
    Ruled states must grant and recognize same sex marriage
  • Primary season ran from Feburay to June 2008 Primaries play greatest role in determing candiaties for president

  • Trump v Hawaii

    Court ruled a ban on immigration from majority-Muslim countries did not violate Establishment Clause