Screenshot 2021 08 06 3.52.26 pm

US Escalation in Vietnam Timeline

  • The USSR is born

    The USSR is born
    With WW1 make the Russian people suffering the people revolted up lead by the communist. This will have one Vietnamese man have a big impact on him homeland.
  • The Battle of Bai Dai Phu

    The Battle of Bai Dai Phu
    The Viet Minh surrounded the French forces at Bai Dai Phu. As the French when getting low on supplies the US stated to fly supplies over to help them.
  • Geneva accords

    Geneva accords
    After the Battle of Bai Dai Phu talks started to end the war. When the talks end there were 4 new counters Cambodia, Laos, North Vietnam(commonest), and South Vietnam(captilest).
  • The death of Ngo Dinh Diem

    The death of Ngo Dinh Diem
    As Ngo Dinh Diem grow more and more hated by his people the military planned a coup. With ok bye JFK the coup started. After they got Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother they killed them.
  • A Died President

    A Died President
    JFK wanted the US out of vietnam before to was to leat. But he was assassination which put LBJ as president and which ended the hope of the US leaving before it is to leat.
  • The Tonkin Resolution

    The Tonkin Resolution
    After the 2nd and 4th Gulf of Tonkin Incident LBJ ask counges so he could do what he need to do in Vietnam. He would start with airstrikes.
  • The Gulf of Tonkin Incident

    The Gulf of Tonkin Incident
    On august 2nd the USS Maddox was engaged with NVA ship on the Gulf of Tonkin. On the 4th there was a false alarm attack on the Maddox but LBJ said it did.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    LBJ had a plan to bomb North vietnam. It was unable to get what it could have been by LBJ limiting were they could bomb.
  • The infantry show up

    The infantry show up
    As the NVA attack on US airstrips infantry was need to keep the safe. It would start the US's land war in Vietnam.
  • The battle of the Ia Drang

    The battle of the Ia Drang
    Starting on Nov 14 started the first major battle for the US military and NVA troops. Fighting for 4 day and 2 LZ would start how the US would fight in Vietnam.
  • The US leaves Veitnam

    The US leaves Veitnam
    After 9 year of blood the US left Vietnam. By the end 58,220 US soldier were died.
  • Saigon falls to the north

    Saigon falls to the north
    2 year after the US left South Vietnam it would fall after the North had take Saigon. Which made the US blood for nothing.