US Escalation in Vietnam Timeline

By Jouseph
  • Viet Minh declaration of independence

    Viet Minh declaration of independence
    Viet Minh declaring for independence, led by Ho Chi Minh. The purpose was to announce and explain the establishment of the Democratic republic of Vietnam(for people to fight for their freedom).
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    US planes undertake a bombing raid during Operation Rolling Thunder. On March 8th some 3,500 Marines landed at ‘China Beach’, near Da Nang. These arrivals would continue regularly through 1965. American combat troops were initially tasked with defending US and South Vietnamese bases.
  • The Geneva accords

    The Geneva accords
    The Geneva Accords divided Vietnam at the 17th parallel, creating a communist state in the North and French-backed state in the south. Making the elections rescheduled for 1956.
  • Ho Chi Minh's guerilla movement

    Ho Chi Minh's guerilla movement
    In the 1950's, Ho Chi Minh organized the Viet Cong, a communist guerilla warfare movement in the south. The goal was to drive out both French and japanese from Vietnam.
  • U.S increases military aid

    U.S increases military aid
    The U.S is increasing military aid to South Vietnam. Due to the fear of communism spreading.
  • Gulf Of Tonkin incident

    Gulf Of Tonkin incident
    The golf of Tonkin resolution is passed by the U.S congress. This allows for military engagement in Vietnam after the U.S ships were attacked.
  • Troops arrival near Da Nang 1665

    Troops arrival near Da Nang 1665
    combat troops from the United States began arriving in Vietnam. In South Vietnam, the Viet Cong insurgency had grown rapidly in the final months of 1964. Estimates of its numbers at this point ranged from 80,000 to 100,000.
  • Operation satellite

    Operation satellite
    By the end of the year, America’s initial investment of 3,500 combat troops had swelled to more than 180,000 men. This shift in tactics and deployment was seldom reflected in Johnson’s public comments on the war.
  • Suspected Viet Cong member

    Suspected Viet Cong member
    Many villages had their grain stores destroyed, their wells poisoned, their livestock killed and buildings torched. American soldiers called ‘search and destroy’ operations “Zippo missions”
  • Tet offsensive

    Tet offsensive
    It was a series of attacks by North Vietnam in over 100 cities and outposts in South Vietnam. This attempt was to get the U.S to reduce movement in the war.
  • B-52 bombings

    B-52 bombings
    Nixon ordered secret bombings of North vietnamese base in the camps of Cambodia. This was a sign as a way to escalate war.
  • Peace agreement

    Peace agreement
    The U.S, North, and South Vietnamese, and Viet Cong signed a peace agreement in Paris. Making the last U.S military unit leave on March 29,1973.