US Escalation in Vietnam

  • First US Military Officers arrive in Vietnam

    US Military officers are deployed to South Vietnam to train the South Vietnamese in case of conflict with The North.
  • US doesn't support a unified Vietnam

    Increased hostility between North Vietnam and The US and South Vietnam, which forced The US to more politically and militarily tied to the South Vietnamese government.
  • Protests in South Vietnam

    South Vietnamese distrust and protest against Ngo Dinh Diem because of his dictatorial and prejudice policies. Thích Quảng Đức lights himself on fire to protest the oppression of Buddhist Monks in South Vietnam.These events lead to the increase of support and resources to DIem by The US Governments as they feared conflict would ensue.
  • Ngo Dinh Diem Assassinated

    Diem was arrested and assassinated during a military coup orchestrated by General Dương Văn Minh. Without Diem, the US decided they had to take personal action to stop the spread of communism in Vietnam.
  • President Kennedy Assassinated

    John F Kennedy is assassinated and Lyndon B. Johnson is sworn in, a president who would greatly escalate the number of troops in Vietnam over the next few years.
  • Gulf Of Tonkin Incident

    Two believed naval attacks from North Vietnamese on US enable LBJ to get congressional approval to get involved in Vietnam.
  • First US Troops Deployed in South Vietnam

    The US is now directly involved in the conflict in Vietnam with US Soldiers on the ground fighting the Viet Minh.
  • US Troops and North Vietnamese Have First Major Conflict

    US and North Vietnamese Soldiers fight first large scale battles against each other in Ia Drang Valley, only more death and conflict ensues from here.
  • Nixon is Elected

    Nixon makes many promises as he enters office, including that he will end the war in Vietnam, but he intends to end the war by continuing the fight.
  • Nixon Expands War

    Nixon goes on live television to call for national solidarity for the war effort in Vietnam, only to announce an expansion of the war into Cambodia less than a week later.