U.S. department of state declaration
A merchant vessel of belligerent nationality may carry an armament and ammuniton for the sole purpose of defense without acquiring the character of a ship of war. -
German declaration
All the waters surronding Great Britain are declared a war zone. -
President Wilson declaration
Wilson is saying that the destruction of Lusitania was a violation of neutral rights -
U.S. Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan to Germany
Germany destroyed a ship which was a violation of American rights. He said United States and Germany should come to a conclusion on this matter. -
President Wilson to Congress
If Germany continues to destroy ships near the waters of Great Britain, United States will no longer be allies with Germany. -
Zimmerman telegram
Germany proposes an alliance with Mexico if they make war together and make peace. Mexico will get financial support and reconquer their lost territory in America. -
President Wilson to the U.S. senate
It must be a peace without victory -
President Wilson's 2nd Inaugural Address
United States will stay neutral -
President WIlson to hte U.S. senate
Wilson is asking Congress to declare war on Germany -
U.S. congressional declaration
War is declared on Germany -
British Prime Minister David Lloyd George to the American Club of London
America joining the war will bring real peace -
President Wilson to the American public
We are fighting for what we believe and wish to be the rights of mankind and for the future peace and security of the world.