In 1700, most people still lived in small villages and made their own clothing and tools.
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Period: to
US Economy
Animal power and human labor were first augmented and than almost completely replaced with mechanized sources of power. This was only part of the changes that gathered momentum in the 1700s and then transformed the world.
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The best English agriculture was the best in the world. The most technologically advanced agriculture, it was also fully integrated into a market economy.
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Population increases from 120 million-190 million in the 1700s. The increase in population led to an increased labor force
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Until this time, peasants in most European countries could not actually own the land they farmed, but held ancestral rights to work land belonging to the proprietors of large estates. When laws were passed that allowed British landowners to abrogate these traditional agreements and combine many smallholdings.
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Information Technology
Samuel Johnson publishes the first English language dictionary on April 15th after nine years of writing. In the preface Samuel Johnson wrote, "I am not so lost in lexicography as to forget that words are the daughters of earth, and that things are the sons of heaven." -
Agricultural advances after the Industrial Revolution greatly increased food production, but increased urbanization required food to be transported long distances from producers to consumers.
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Information Technology
Englishmen, John Harrison invents the navigational clock or marine chronometer for measuring longitude. -
Steamboats: was built by Robert Fulton, an American. He built the steamboat, the Clermont, in 1807. The steamboat could carry 20 times more storage than a wooden ship, which contributed to global trade.
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In 1830, the first railroad line was built in England between Liverpool and Manchester, typical industrial cities.
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Information Technology
Samuel Morse invents the telegraph. -
Information Technology
Englishmen, John Herschel invents the blueprint. -
By 1870, railroads would be the major source of transportation in both Europe and America.
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In the late 1800s, electricity replaces steam power as a source of energy.
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Production of Services
The Production of Services Era took off during the 1900's, especially during the later years such as the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's. During this time, many businesses started to offer services as oppose to just products -
Production of Services
a company that follows the trend of what took place in the 1900's that only use to sell cleaning products, might change how they run their business and offer cleaning services as well. This took place for more than just physical products, but in the food market as well. People expanded from just the orginal food market and restraunts took off during this time. Many famous restraunts were created during the 1900's such as the Cracker Barrel, Olive Garden, and Applebees. Along with many fast foods -
Production of services
During this time period, frozen food and the modern camera were invented. Both bennefited businesses by more food companies being able to start with the invention of frozen food and advertising really being able to take off with the invention of more efficient cameras -
Information Technology
Scottish biologist Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin -
Production of Services
During this time period, the United State's was in a period of prosperity up until the 1930's where it went through a stage of depression. After the depression, the United States worked its way through a recession and then back into prosperity once again. -
The many improvements in crop production up to 1935 produced only modest increases in average yield per acre in America because of deteriorating soil fertility and poor water use.
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Information Technology
The kidney dialysis machine invented by Willem Kolff. -
A combination of economic and demographic changes, however, has led to the steady decline in the number of functioning family farms. Although the U.S. population doubled between 1930 and 2000, the number of farms fell from 7 to 2 million. After 1947, this decline stabilized at about one percent annually.
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Since 1950, the gap in efficiency between the most productive mechanized agricultural systems and the least productive manual farming systems has increased twentyfold.